Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Battlestar Galactica RULZ!!!

I know I'm, like, a couple of years behind everyone else...

But I spent a few hours Sunday and MANY hours Monday watching the first 2 1/2 discs of BG: Season 1!!! Finally!

And I gotta say... Ritchard Hatch: Da BOMB!!! And Lorne Green as Commander Adama!!! DUDE!!!

Just kidding ;P

I'm actually talking about the new Sci-Fi Channle version of the show! (The link is to because the Sci-Fi Channel site is RIDICULOUSLY cumberson and almost crashed my pc! They're using Flash animation, but their Flash artists are obviously HACKS who don't understand how to shrink the file-size down for people who actually have to use the Internet to view the files!!!)

Oh, but Richard Hatch IS Da Bomb!

If you're not familiar with the new series, I won't elaborate here ;) Sry.

Yesterday, Brian and I spent a good amount of time working on his script. Nothing I would call a break-through, but good work none the less!!! In fact, I came up with a way to utilize SL as a role-playing tool to help in the development process!!!

If we can figure out how to get Tommy in-world to be a third sort of "improv artist" the development might actually take off like a bullet!!! But that would take him away from his lovely family... Which would be selfish... And I'm not THAT self...

Who am I kidding? I'm TOTALLY that selfish!!! I'll start nagging him tomorrow! :D

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