Saturday, July 08, 2006

Brian Is A Writer!!!

Okay, the movie that Brian and Tommy and I are (hopefully) going to make within the next year? Both Brian and I have screenplays that we're developing concurrently. The one that gets finished first is the one we submit to get the deal made.

Anyway, the last few days he's really been getting somewhere with his idea! It's so inspiring to see!!! He's even writing the first handful of pages for it, really getting into his world and his characters!

I haven't had time to read his pages yet, but he can't help but talk about all the stuff that's going on in his head, and it's really, REALLY cool to hear what's up there! I mean, I've just spewed on him before about whatever story I'm working on -- for years now -- and it's SO FRIGGIN' COOL to have him do the same with me!!!

He knows characters by name, he know details about them and the world they occupy that only a writer (and eventually a director) can know...

And last night (for me, which means it was actually this morning for Brian and the rest of the world) we had this GREAT conversation about the society of this planet, their spiritual and political perspective of our planet, that probably will be a couple of quick lines of dialogue in the finished screenplay!

That's the kind of attention to detail that only professional screenwriters pay!!! And Brian is SO THERE!!!

Sorry... Had to take a moment to beam about my li'l bro :D

More soon...

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