Friday, January 18, 2008

LMAO!!! :D

I don't know if my last blog conveyed the SHEER HEAVEN that Brian's sushi was, but we FEASTED on more sushi than you can eat at a buffet! Seriously, if we had paid for the quality/quantity of sushi we consumed a few nights ago, we'd have to sell both our cars and take out, like, 3 more credit cards!

I mean, have you ever felt FULL from SUSHI?!!

I ate one meal that day: Brian's sushi feast!

Okay, so, to give you a little context... Money's tight. (Not a big surprise in my life, but I managed to pay off ALL my bills, so it's particularly tight this paycheck.) I've allotted myself $2 for a meal each working day. There are these great, microwavable Chinese cartons for about $2 (I'm fond of the Chicken & Rice, but the Garlic Shrimp left me a bit dissatisfied) as well as a few bowls of instant Chinese noodles (the dry kind that you add water to and nuke), and as I came home this morning I was pondering what I might grab on my way to work tonight.

I have also been craving corn dogs for a few weeks now.

No idea why.


I discovered these Hill Country Fare coorn dogs with beef franks THAT ARE REALLY GOOD!!!

They're nuke-able, and they come 5 to a $2-package...


If I have a fairly large breakfast (at 6:30 pm, lol) before I go into work, then I can make a meal out of 2 of them, and I have 3 for a meal the next day!

Now, I just want to clarify that this isn't a telathon, and I'm not asking for donations, lol. I'm actually having a great time at the moment, and I find our financial... challenges... kind of quaint! I've lived long enough to know that when I sell that million-dollar screenplay or novel (or I win the lottery, or whatever) I'm going to look back on THIS very time in my life with a sort of odd fondness. Perhaps even a wistful sort of longing. (The Past -- once we've survived it -- often seems preferable to the Present. Sometimes I recall my first few years in Austin, living with my parents again -- most of my day spent pounding away on a primitive "Brother Word Processor" on a third- or forth-hand particle-board desk -- with a pang of nostalgia. Go figure, lol.)

So anyway...

I open the fridge and see a Tupperware container with two tiny notes stuck on it:

"Sushi for you OK" and "You Are Happy!"

LMAO!!! :D

Brian and I often rejoice in what is known as "Engrish" -- those wonderfully enthusiastic signs and slogans translated from Asian languages into English! NEWS RADIO did an episode called "Super Karate Monkey Death Car" in which Jimmy James writes an autobiography that doesn't sell well, but it sells really well in Japan, so he has it translated back into English and resold here in the states, to hilarious result! (It inspired a blog entry not long ago.)

Engrish (or Janglish) ads and signage are particularly genius!!! "Go Skating Funny Boy! Just Stand There, Don't Fire Back!" "Please would paper chuck in wastebin Thank you!" "Let's Play! Become delghtful time!" "Sunny Town Erection Party 21" "Please don't worry if a fire is occurring. Our hotel has reliable scattering facilities to ensure you evacuate safely."

And so on, lol.

Anyway, so finding Brian's "Sushi For You OK You Are Happy!" was a fantastic way to wrap up my day on SO MANY levels!!! :D


[Erm... Political Correctness Check: Please know that it is not my intention to mock a people, culture or hemisphere here. The Asian languages are said to be the most complex and subtle on the planet, and I have no doubt that that if I attempted to speak them, the results would be equally -- if not more -- hysterical. I normally don't give a flying fuck about "political correctness", but it's also not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings.

Except my friend Kelly!

If he's reading this, I hope he's crying like the little baby he is!



[Okay, Political Correctness Check #2: Please know that above, it wasn't my intention to mock men named Kelly. Just my best friend, who happens to be named JORDAN KELLY! I mean, come on! JORDAN KELLY!



[P. C. Check #3: Okay, I didn't mean to hurt the feelings of ANY Jordan Kellys -- or even Kelly Jordans -- EXCEPT my buddy.

I love him dearly, and he's one of my bestest, bestest friends EVER.

But I like to make him cry.]

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