Monday, January 21, 2008

I Should Be Writing

Well, technically I am...

About 80% of writing is thinking about writing, trying to come up with what happens next.

Or, put another way, about 80% of writing is procrastination.

So writing this blog entry is actually part of the process.

WE'RE CAUGHT UP ON LOST!!! I finished Season 3 last night! :D Now it's all about waiting for January 31st!

And I'm on Level 8 of TOMB RAIDER ANNIVERSARY! That's really cool for me! I've made it to Level 8: "Tomb of Tehocan" in Greece. 6 more levels to go! In fact, once I get to Level 9 I'll have beat Peru and Greece and will be in Egypt for another 3 levels.

So that's cool.

I was worried about the gorillas, and -- it turns out -- rightly so. They're BASTARDS! I mean, they're not all that hard to kill, but they always manage to do damage to you, and they always show up in 2s!

And the game's not shy about sicking them on you! "You're leaving a room? COUPLE OF GORILLAS!" "You're entering a room? COUPLE OF GORILLAS!" "You're leaving that room? A GORILLA AND A LION!" "Entering another room? COUPLE OF GORILLAS!"

And they're scary, too! I mean, mowing down zombies is creepy, but seeing a couple of realistic-looking gorillas hurtling toward you is terrifying on some deep-down primitive level.


I haven't heard from my Gnomey-Goddess for a while now, so I'm guessing she's up to her sweet tush in work.

I'm gonna go now.

I want to crank out 15 pages tonight, so I should probably stop procrastinating.



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