Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I Think I'm Getting Over It...

It's Tuesday before I'm supposed to go back into work, and I think I'm actually going to be able to.

So yay there. :)

I report this with cautious optimism, though, because I came down with this junk (a sort of persistant chest cold, not a full-on flu, thankfully) New Year's Day, and I thought I was just about over it when I went into work last Wednesday.

I stayed at work for 2 1/2 hours. :(

Then I called-in for every day last week. :(

I started feeling a bit better Sunday. Like I really am on the other side of this. The "getting well" side.

We'll see.

But I've been writing the last 2 days. Before Sunday, if I even tried to write my brain just didn't function.

See, when I write -- even just a blog entry or an email -- it feels like there is some not-physical substance that resides inside me, and like I'm tugging this substance out.

Imagine a closet door that is jammed and can't be opened very wide, and you've got a huge, puffy comfortor in there. You reach in, grab a handful, and just tug! You pull out as much as you can until you've forced the whole thing through that narrow opening.

That's what writing feels like for me. (Like, when I sit down to start writing. There are different ways to describe the feeling when I'm actually writing.)

Before this shift happened Sunday, I couldn't get any of that comfortor through the closet door. It just wouldn't come.

So, I think I may actually, genuinely, be on the mend.

At the very least, I hope I'm well enough to get back to my job. I'd hate for them to realize they don't really need me there, lol. ;P

DUDE!!! LOST!!! :D

Brian and I have watched the first 5 discs of Season 2 of LOST! We're waiting for the last 2 discs, as well as the first 3 from Season 3, to show up in the mail now.

And check this out: I discovered tonight that we don't actually have to wait for Netflix! You can watch episodes from all 3 seasons of LOST online!!!

How cool is that?!! :D

We have the first season on dvd, though, so we're just rewatching Season 1 for the time being.

Oh, and speaking of the genius that is J. J. Abrams... CLOVERFIELD!!! I've been obsessing about that, too. I did a little research into the Dharma Initiative, which lead me to researching LOST more generally, and the LOST EXPERIENCE, and it turns out that CLOVERFIELD is being marketed in the same viral fashion that Abrams & Co. market LOST!

Check it out: Here are some viral promotional websites for Slusho, Tagruato and TidoWave. The first 2 are fictitious corporations (that have something to do with the events -- or the events behind the events -- in the movie) and the third one is a fictitious group that is protesting the activities of one of the corporations.

How friggin' COOL is THAT?!!

The Tagruato one has an update about "an altercation" that happened "at the Chaui Station", but assures us that "Tagruato is taking every measure necessary to ensure the safety and well being of all staff and crew." :) I'm guessing this is setting up backstory for the events that will unfold in the movie.

Then the TidoWave site has a post from 1-5 that warns:

"Do NOT return to The Farm. It’s crawling with agents on Tagruato’s payroll. It’s a set up!!!"

I mean, how cool is that?!! No idea what it means, but then I'm not suppose to! I'm just supposed to start imagining things and asking questions.

And I am! :)

What's insane to me is that my friend Kelly and I have been talking about cool ways to make a story (a movie, a novel, whatever) this cross-platform experience that sort of engulfs the person experiencing it. We've come up with some amazingly groovy ideas, too!

But then I discover that Abrams & his collaborators ARE DOING IT! These cats really are spreading their stories into these deeply textured psuedo-realities! :D

Very cool!

Okay, I'm rambling now.


Okay, going away now.


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