Sunday, October 14, 2007

Cool Friday

Since the weekend Master Control crew is made up of Libras, with birthdays coming up, My Genius Friend Dave brought ICE CREAM for all of us!!! :D

So that's a good way to start off the weekend.

Plus, SNL was pretty funny. That's a bonus. (Since we're airing it, and things have generally settled down by the time it airs, we might as well hang out and watch it.)

I brought MONSTER HOUSE because My Genius Friend Dave and Pete haven't seen it, but we didn't get around to watching it.

But that's cool.

I'll bring it back next Saturday and maybe we can watch it then.


I didn't get any writing done tonight, but I'm in pretty good shape coming into the weekend... I think Brian & my current story is shaping up decently.




I haven't heard from my Gnomey Goddess in a week or so. :( I have no idea how she's doing or how things are going for her. This is troubling because usually when I don't hear from her for a long stretch of time, it's because things aren't going well. :(

So that's kind of hanging heavy over my head.

I mean, I'm fine. I'm not a worrier, because there's nothing I could do anyway. If the time comes that I can be useful, then I'll focus on that.


I miss her.

And I want her to be good and happy and have everything she wants. You know?


I didn't log in to mope.

But, you know, not having her in my week sort of makes the week less exciting.



I bought PET SEMATARY!!! I haven't seen that in YEARS!!! I remember that as one of the scariest movies I've ever seen, so I look forward to watching that again this weekend! :D

Brian and I watched 1408 last weekend, so it seem appropriate to continue the Halloween festivities with another great King adaptation.

Also, I look forward to watching MONSTER HOUSE this weekend, as well. I haven't seen it since Brian & I saw it in 3-D at the theater. (I don't mind watching it again next weekend with my work buddies. It's a good li'l flick. VERY Halloween-y!)

And I'm about halfway through volume 5 of THE WALKING DEAD. That's the last I have, and I can't afford to buy the next 2 collections at the moment. But that's okay. I can just start over until I get some money. Those stories will bare re-reading!

But before I buy the next 2 THE WALKING DEAD collections, I promised Brian I'd buy MEDIUM: Season 3 as soon as it comes out. We missed most of last season (Brian more than I did). And that'll be a fun marathon!

Sorry I don't have more to tell ya.

I'll probably blog some something silly on or after my birthday.

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