Thursday, September 27, 2007

Too Much of a Good Thing...

... is just about enough, hehe! :)

Monday and Tuesday continued the great fun that Sunday started! :) My baby and I have been building her a proper garden that she can call her own! (This is something I've wished I could provide for her since we got married!!!)

I'm talkin' SecondLife, of course. I still don't own any RL land, and still haven't figured out how to get her here/me there, lol.

But I've gotten to spend so much time with that wonderful woman!!! It's like the old days, only BETTER, hehe! :D

It's so cool watching my sweety create stuff! She's so clever and creative! And she possesses a beautiful aesthetic(sp?)!!!

The garden we created feels like Easter to me, hee-hee! :D

Brian has created this groovy graveyard, which feels like Halloween, and a pirate hide-away that feels like sea-farin' fun, and I've created this drive-in theater which feels like summer, and my Hot-Thang has created a garden that feels like Easter!

In SL, we've got all the cool, child-like times of year covered, lol! :D

Oh, and when my Gnomey Goddess is asleep, Brian and I have been creating this neat world that we're going to turn into a bunch of movies and novels and stuff.

Good Times for Ray Jay!!!

Also, I've been listening to the radio serial from 1934 called "Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher" which is really groovy. Very cool! It has the feel of an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel!

The radio was good to the character! The movies mostly turned Tarzan into a monosylabic oaf, but the radio seemed to always stick with the coolest traits of the character! So there's another little cool something in my life.

Okay, my sweety's asleep, so I'm going to go ahead and get ready for work. I want to get to work early tonight because I'm airing a repeat of the pilot for REAPER, which was directed by Kevin Smith, and which I've only heard good things about.

Last night I got to see the pilot episode of BIONIC WOMAN and it was REALLY FUN!!! If you haven't seen it, you should check it out at!

You may be able to watch REAPER at, but I haven't really looked into that too closely. (I sort of checked it out at work, but you have to download an HD player to watch episodes, and I didn't want to risk it on a work computer...)

Okay, I'm off.


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