Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My Little Brother Is Old :D

I've been doing odd things in SL this weekend. I'm just taking a break from creating a RIDICULOUSLY TALL skyscraper, hehe. My Gnomey Goddess came online (IM, not SL) so I closed out SL to chat with her until she had to go to work.

I've been missing her!

It's most likely my own fault. The last couple of nights I've been drinkin' with my bubba, staying up to late and, therefore, waking up too late.

He turned 63 yesterday!

No wait, that's 33, that's right. ;)

We celebrated in SecondLife. I'm too broke to get him a Real Life present this year, but I had enough money for him to buy another patch of land in SL -- a patch that connects to this other patch he already bought before I woke up last night!

So we moved the Drive-In Theater from where it was to this new land, giving the new land a purpose, and clearing up the land where it had been so that Brian could install a pirate ship on the land. (It's this water land where Brian and I have each created little islands, and Brian parked the pirate ship in between the 2 islands.)

So now we have a permanent place to do our piratin'! Aaaargh! (And fishig, too. Very cool!)

Let's see... what else has been going on?

I still haven't seen Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN. I haven't heard a bad thing about it, but Brian and I are just both broke.


Because last night was a celebration (and a holiday, also) we had Chili Cheese Dogs!

I realize this doesn't sound like a big deal, but for some reason Chili Cheese Dogs always make me think (1) summer and (2) summer holiday.

No idea why.

So anyway, though it seems minor, it really is a kind of big-ish deal to me, lol. :) (Yes, as a matter of fact I AM easily amused. And I'm rather proud of that fact! We who enjoy Life's simple pleasures get the most out of it.)

I've got approximately 4 irons in the creative fire, but I don't want to talk about any of them just yet. Usually when I celebrate the beginning of a project I don't get to experience the end of it, lol.

But that's a groovy thing, none the less.

And I believe that catches you up to my doings for now.



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