Monday, January 01, 2007

Drunkin' SCRUBS Watchin' 2006/2007

This New Year came in a little different than most...

Usually I like to celebrate like a madman... Just ANY occasion, really... And I wasn't asking a lot of this New Year's Eve: I wanted to stay up forever with Brian and watch 24, Day 3. But his work scheduled him to come in super-early today. :( In fact, he only had a few hours between when he got home from work and when he had to get to bed in order to not be late for his next shift. :(

So instead of ringing in the New Year with 24, we watched Season 2 of SCRUBS... WHICH WAS HYSTERICAL!!! SCRUBS is EASILY one of THE FUNNIEST SHOWS EVER CREATED!

I didn't get to see my baby, either. But a little after midnight, her time, I did get a "Happy New Year/luv u" text from her, so I'm happy! And I left her a "Happy New Year/luv u" voice message at my midnight so, again, sated there, hee-hee.

DUDE! I CAN NOT wait until our first New Year together!!! I mean PHYSICALLY! Because I SOOOOOOO wanna kiss her at midnight!!!

I mean, very likely I will have kissed her many, MANY times before midnight on New Years Eve... But she's the woman I was made to kiss on New Years Eve! She's the reason the tradition was started all those years ago! The Universe knew that we were gonna appear on the planet in the future, so it made sure a tradion of people kissing when the clock strikes midnight at the begiining of the New Year was created.

I'm pretty sure Wendy and I are the reason the Universe made sure shagging was created as well.

Ooh! And cuddling! And body massages!

Anyway, Brian and I entered the New Year laughing our asses off, and that was a blast! We laughed so hard that, at various times, we couldn't breathe! It was genius!

I feel a bit old though... Season 2 of SCRUBS concluded shortly after midnight, and Brian crashed about halfway through the last episode, and I crashed after a couple of short behind-the-scenes featurettes. I don't think I made it to 1:00 am.

AND... I woke up to a voicemail from Tisha saying she was appalled that this was the first year I didn't call her at midnight. Ouch. I AM getting old. :(

I'm gonna hafta ring in 2008 with a little more style. (And more Gnomey, too.)

And one possible way to do that is to write a novel and sell it. I've been developing a series of novels in this last few weeks of 2006. I need to make sure I get the first one finished soon.

I plan to publish with, so I won't make a killing off the money from the book (at least at first, if ever) but with enough books scattered across I should eventually have a career.

Then there are the screenplays... But First Things first. My screenwriting is best when I'm collaborating, so the novel comes first, then the screenplays.

Plus, the older I get the less interested I am in living in L.A. And novelists can write from ANYWHERE, whereas screenwriters tend to write from Hollywood. So I'd like to write a couple of novels this year, see how they sell, then try to figure out how to shoot movies ONLY in Austin.


These last few entries have just been me thinking "aloud". I'll try to have something more interesting soon. Maybe I'll do something cool in SL and take pics or something.

Anyway, eat your black-eyed peas today (and, if possible, listen to some Black-Eyed Peas, too) and have GREAT 2007!!!


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