Thursday, January 18, 2007

Coffee Talk

I just had to share this...

When my friend Dominic works I make coffee because he enjoys a cup or two. When he doesn't work I make Chai Tea. (I'm a caffiene-whore; not all that picky how I get it.)

Tonight I made a pot and improvised one of the funniest lines I've come up with in a while...

ME: "Mmm, this coffee smells bold, rich, and even vaguley profane."

I was proud of my line, amused by the mental images it evoked.

Then Dom topped me...

DOM: "You should have been here last night. I made a pot that would have pulled your pants down and raped you from behind."

I went with a slightly more cerebreal approach, but then Dom (not dissimilar to the coffee I had made) just laid it down and WENT FOR IT, lol! Right between the eyes, no holds barred!

Genius! Had to share, hee-hee.


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