Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Weekend's Here!

My baby's been busy this weekend (that's Normal Weekend -- Sat-Sun -- versus My Weekend -- Sun - Tues) and I get to talk to her tonight when I wake up. So I'm excited.

But I got to talk to her last night, so it's not like I'm hurting, per se. It's just that our last couple of conversations have been surprisingly cozy! She has always been WONDERFUL and very, very loving, but somehow I feel EVEN CLOSER to her lately!!! I wouldn't have thought it possible, except for actual physical proximity. But somehow she has managed to make me feel even more loved than before. Like our last conversations were shared while snuggling together beneath a blanket on a couch while some groovy movie played in the background, completely ignored by we two lovers, hehe. :D

Sorry. Not trying to be all mushy. (Just can't help myself, hehe.)

Actually, I probably have no right to be as excited about the weekend as I am; this past work week has been a dream! I have been paid to listen to more hours of HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX than I would imagine legal! The last 2 days have been really smoothe and easy -- particularly after the challenge December was.

But I've gotten to, like, Level 6 on TOMB RAIDER LEGEND and I'm eager to continue. Plus I'm aching to rewatch HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE for my (can you believe it?) 2ND TIME! ( I am SO obsessed with Harry Potter at the moment, lol.)

I'm also itching to do some writing!

I didn't really do much writing during the holidays, figuring that I would naturally slip back into the groove when the holidays were over.

But I'm a bit hung up with my current story. It's this really great concept that i came up with back in 1997 or 1998 that never got finished because the story was too boring for the concept. I have this world in my head that has STAR WARS-like potential, but I couldn't find the story that really exploited the world sufficiently. And now I've sort of got the beginnings of a story that is more or less equal to the concept... but...

I feel like there's this very thin, very fragile invisible wall between me and a career in writing, and the closer I get the thinner the wall becomes, but it never seems to disappear, that wall. It's always present. If I had a chair to throw through it, I'd be making money as a writer, but I can't seem to find one!

All I need is a good novel or a great screenplay to break that wall. I have all the tools a writer needs to have. I just don't have the manuscript that PROVES that I have the tools. (The horror movie I wrote at the end of 2006 is rubbish, I've decided.) And, once again, I'm looking at all the years I've put into studying (this will be the 15th) writing and feeling like I SHOULD have SOMETHING by now. I can't say I'm no closer to creating a story out of nothing, but I can say that I still feel far removed from the group of people who churn out story after story as a daily habbit.



I'm hoping something will break this weekend and maybe I'll get some pages written.

We'll see.

In the meantime, I bought a Season Pass for this season of HEROES from iTunes. So that's a 3rd TV show I'll be able to keep up with on my iPod! Between STUDIO 60 ON THE SUNSET STRIP, VERONICA MARS and HEROES -- as well as ALL the incarnations of Classic TREK that Brian and I now possess on dvd... and my current Harry Potter obsession -- I hope to find SOMETHING in there that motivates me to tell my own wonderous stories!!!

We'll see.

I just got a text message from Gnomey!!! OMG she's SUCH A SWEETY!!! And she's the reason I want so BADLY to break through that thin, fragile wall and become a professional writer!!!

I'm CERTAIN there's an angle I haven't explored yet! Some way of looking at the problem that I haven't before seen, that will allow me to start writing story after story after story.


Three days to try to discover it.

Hope your weekends have all been WONDERFUL!!! (And productive, lol.)


1 comment:

RayJay said...

I love you, too, Baby!!! SOOO VERY MUCH!!! hee-hee And I always will!!!
