Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Checking In...

Wut up, Peeps?

Okay I went to Tomb Raider Chronicles and discovered that I'm on Level 4 of 8, which is COOL! The last time I mentioned my progress, I was actually most of the way through Level 2! (I was getting occasional help from a walkthrough that wasn't very accurately laid-out. Tomb Raider Chrobicles is very professionally laid-out AND they provide walkthroughs and faqs for each game!)

Still, point is I'm halfway through the game! Which is badass! I don't think I'm even halfway through Angel of Darkness. (The controls are kinda wonky for that one.)

Also, I've seen some movies: THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED (a badass documentary about the very secrative MPAA), SLITHER, Mike Judge's very brilliant futuristic comedy IDIOCRACY, SNAKES ON A PLANE, a section of SCHOOL OF ROCK and about half of THE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN (I keep falling asleep watching that one).

IDOCRACY rules!!! I can't believe that movie came and went without me knowing about it. I heard a little bit about it before it came out because my friend Marvin worked on it, and then my friend Lothar was telling me he just bought it from Walmart! I don't remember any comercials for it or hearing ANYTHING about it coming out!

Which is a shame, because it's really, really smart and funny! (In that Mike-Judge way... It lets you know how smart it is by acting dumb, like his toons BEAVIS & BUTT-HEAD and KING OF THE HILL.) And Luke Wilson is brilliant in it, too. When I think of him I usually think Drama, and I think of his brother when I think of Comedy, but Luke is every bit as hysterical as Owen is! (I got to meet him and shake his hand once, btw! At a special screening of MY DOG SKIP. Very cool!)

SNAKES and SLITHER are fun! I wouldn't call either of them Horror or straight-up Comedy. They're both sort of Action Thrillers with GREAT actors keeping you tense and laughing.

Oh, and I just finished episode 8 of HEROES. As soon as my iPod finishes recharging I'll probably dive back in. My baby's kinda not talking to me at the mo, so I've had me a little HEROES marathon. Very cool!

I TOTALLY see why everyone seems to be addicted to it! I love how it just keeps pushing foreward! SMALLVILLE, for instance, will tell you it's going somewhere for almost an entire season, then they'll knock your socks off for 4 episodes, then next season the writers find some way to all but set the clock back to episode 1 of season 1. (I'm exaggerating, of course.) But all that Clark's been through over the last 6 seasons he should be living in Metropolis and wearing the tights 2 years ago! But from the episodes I've seen this season, it looks like they're just gonna pretend Superman doesn't exist and keep Clark in Smallville until he's 40, lol. But HEROES keeps pushing foreward, like the writers have a story to tell you and they can't wait to tell it!!! They'll reveal a plot point and your instincts tell you "They'll probably milk this until the Season Finale" and then 2 episodes later they deal with that one plot point and have given you 2 more things to get excited about! Very nice writing!

The dialogue could be better. It's all on-the-nose exposition dialogue, but that's really easy to forgive since the story keeps charging foreward at break-neck pace, hee-hee. And they've got great actors!

Okay, my iPod should be charged by now. I'm gonna pour me a strong cup of Chai and watch some more HEROES! :D I may be caught up by the time I go back to work tomorrow, hehe.


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