Tuesday, January 16, 2007

OMG!!! SNOW!!! In Austin?!!

I woke up and padded over to the computer to see if my Gnomey Goddess was online yet, and she wasn't so I check my email, and Brian tells me "It's snowing."

You don't understand... It's been YEARS since it's snowed here.

We're in the middle of what local news stations have dubbed "Ice Storm 2007", and the roads are frozen over... But SNOW?!!

And naturally, little-kid-at-heart that I am I HAVE TO immediately go out in it. Jammies and house robe and all, lol. I mean, I'm old, so I didn't go far outside... Just to my balcony, lol. But still...

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I really do sort of feel like a kid again. Brian was dressed and on his way out the door at 4:00 am this morning when he decided to check his voice messages and discovered that he didn't have to go in! BRIAN GOT A SNOW DAY, hee-hee!!!

So he helped me make my way through Laura Croft's mansion in Tomb Raider Legend. Today, since long before I woke up, he's been watching 24, Season 4. (I'm so far behind on the series, lol.)

OH! And Kelly's been telling me I need to listen to a band called Explosions in the Sky for a few years now, and every time he'd bring it up I never had the money. And when I did have the money and remembered to look for them in Best Buy or wherever, the store never had a single cd.

But this morning I logged into iTunes to see if maybe they had the newest STUDIO 60 ON THE SUNSET STRIP episode, and they didn't, but then I remembered EitS and I checked, and iTunes carries 3 of their albums!!! So I downloaded them, and just enjoyed the first 2!


The best way I can describe the sound is if U2 and Blue Man Group made sweet, sweet love and had a baby band, Explosions in the Sky is what they'd sound like!


Okay, my Wendy-Lady has been patiently waiting while I finished this entry, so I'm outty, ya'll!

Stay warm!!!


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