Saturday, December 24, 2005

Santa's Progress Part 2

I just woke up after a peaceful and groovy sleep! I fell asleep listening to THE TWILIGHT ZONE RADIO DRAMAS adaptation of Rod Serling's "Night of the Meek". It's a cool little story about a drunken department store Santa who actually gets to become Santa for a night... in a Twilight Zone kind of way.

I've heard Rod Serling called misanthropic a few times, but I believe that's a misunderstanding. Serling certainly wrote many, many stories that show us humans at our worst, but the POINT of those stories was almost always that we CAN -- and sometimes DO -- do better! A lot of the TWILIGHT ZONEs, in particular, revealed a big, bleeding heart at the center of even the most wretched do-bad-der.

Anyway, I woke up to discover that NORAD has Santa above Moscow now!!!

It looks like as I slept the Jolly Guy hit Austrailia, Japan, China, the Himalayas, and India. (And other places. I'm just REALLY bad at geography, so I have no idea which countries I'm missing along the way.)

I also woke up to find THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA RADIO THEATRE in the living room!!! ALL 7 of C. S. Lewis's Narnia stories adapted for radio!!!

I'm dying to see the movie, but I'm (a) such an aduiphile that I'd love to experience them in that medium, and (b) so obsessive that after I experience one story I'm going to want to experience ALL of them!

And I ordered this set off Amazon almost a month ago, and I'm just so thrilled that is just HAPPENED to arrive ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!! If I had know that's what the package was, I'd have waited until tomorrow to open it!

Okay, as I sign off for now, it looks like Santa's still over Russia.

More later!

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