Thursday, December 15, 2005

Health Bar Nearly To FULL

Been in bed, sick, since Sunday!

But I believe I've pretty much kicked it. Sunday and Monday were filled with short, delusional naps, brought to consciousness by the realization that I'm shivering in my own fever-sweat.

The fever dreams weren't negative though.

I'm thankful for that!

Even though they were super-vivid at the time, and I kept returning to almost a continuation of the last dream every time I dozed off, I can barely recall the details. But the gist of my recent fever dreams is that any thing you want -- my dreams centered around blankest and sheets for me, the source of my warmth, but I understood that to represent ALL objects we want in life -- is made up of microscopic versions of that item. And that item is, ultimately, ALL items. And despite our tendency to search and search for some items, we already possess that microscopic piece, and can multiply it at will. And it's the multiplication that CREATES whatever item we're looking for. (It takes a hundred million of these "quanta" -- for lack of a better descriptive term -- to make up a blanket, but a trillion of them create, say, a car.)

So, effectively, we ALREADY possess the raw material, and the means that transform the raw material into the item we desire.

Therefore, in essense, we already have EVERYTHING we will EVER desire. It's just a matter of remembering that fact and willing the raw material to multiply into the correct conficguration.

Hows THAT for a headtrip?

BTW: Never tripped on shrooms or acid IN MY LIFE! Honestly.

Can you believe it?

Anyway, I'm getting ready to go to bed, so that I can wake up and return to work tomorrow.

Spent a groovy day of loading up my ZVUE with Chrismas tunes and Old Time Radio shows...

I tracked down this copy of KING KONG, an adaptation that was produced for KONG's first rerelease in 1938, and it arrived in the mail today!!! TODAY!!! The day Jackson's version hits theaters!!!

In case you're interested in Old School audio classics, I found KONG here.

There are some guys here in Austin that perform Old Time Radio shows LIVE -- in era costume and everything, like you're back in the 30s, 40s or 50s watching a live broadcast -- called the Violet Crown Radio Players and they recreated the '38 KING KONG radio performance. But I didn't get to attend any of the shows. In fact, I learned about them a year or so ago, and I have yet to attend any of their performances!


Anyway, I should get to bed.

Maybe fall asleep listening to KING KONG again!

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