Thursday, August 02, 2007

Tricks of the Mind...

My Genius Friend Dave has done it again... He's discovered a new show on the Sci-Fi Channel called MIND CONTROL featuring British mentalist, Derren Brown.

Curse him!

Moreover... Derren Brown RULES!!!

Luckily, before Brown had his new Sci-Fi Channel show he had several series ("seasons" in US-speak) of a show in the UK called TRICKS OF THE MIND! And I found most of the 1st, 2nd and 4th series online!!!

Which works out kind of nicely for me, since I don't know how many more times I can (should) watch the first 2 seasons of MINDFREAK, lol.

There's a definite theme, if you will, emerging in my life at the moment. It has to do with bold showmanship and being five steps ahead of "the other guy"... Wonder if the Universe is trying to tell me something...

Another aspect to this "theme" is not limiting oneself to a single discipline or craft, and trying to blend all one's passions and talents to make a sort of uber-talent.


25 minutes left in my shift at work (coming to the end of my "Monday") so I should probably try to look busy. :)

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