Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Damn That MINDFREAK! (lol) :D

I'm not writing anything at the moment. I came up with a badass filmmaking idea a couple of days ago, but I'm waiting to see if My Boyz are into it.

So I've been passing the time with my secondary "obsessive activity": Magic.

It's a BRILLIANT pass-time because it requires creative thinking, AND it ENTERTAINS!!! (And that's what I love about movies and novels, the entertainment factor!)

But there's been a bit of an unforeseen problem: Brian and I have been vanishing quarters, and we CAN'T FIND THEM, l0l! I imagine some alternate dimension peopled with aliens and just when one is about to "seal the deal" with some hot alien chick, a quarter pops into existence and bounces off his gray dome, and he's all "What the hell?!!" lol

We work our magical voodoo and the quarters drop into some quantum vortex and then POOF! Int's no longer in our dimension!

All because of Criss Angel and MINDFREAK, lol!

I really, really hope that Tommy stops by today because Brian and I have INVENTED a couple of illusions!!! (Not Criss-Angel-worthy, but cool, none the less!)

I'm kind of thinking that it's about time we make a video to email My Gnomey-Goddess so she can see what I've been going on about for a while, lol. Lately, I'm asleep when she's awake and vice versa. So my only contact with my baby has been emails and voicemails to, and text messages from, her. (OMG I CAN'T WAIT until I figure out a way to get her HERE so that she can see all our silly shit first-hand!)

In the meantime, I think I might be winning Brian over to my way of thinking about MINDFREAK... The more he re-visits magic and the more tricks he learns/creates, the more he thinks that maybe Criss Angel's show isn't about camrea tricks and movie magic.

So that's cool!

I found a video clip from Season 3 that blows away MY theories of how Criss does the levitation thang here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47pRIniVg1Y (Although, I've got to admit that it makes my case about Criss NOT using movie magic to pull off his stunts even MORE difficult to make, lol.)

Still, my li'l bro was into magic as a kid, so our current fascination with the subject is A LOT of FUN!


This is weird...

I woke up this morning with a burning desire for some MAVERICK.

I used to own the Mel Gibson movie on dvd, but it was one of the many lost in the Great Loss of 200?, when I was forced to pawn $2,000 worth of dvds to pay my (then) $560 rent. :(

But the reason I loved that movie so much is because I was, as a kid, a HUGE fan of the MAVERICK TV show, which was rerun on this Chicago cable channel. And so I woke up this morning JONESING for some MAVERICK, and I discovered some of the original episode HERE!!!

So that's cool!

No idea how MAVERICK ties into Criss Angel MINDFREAK, other than the simple link of deception and cards, but there we are, lol.

Btw, the MAVERICK TV show... That was some really cool writing! Especially for the late-1950s! Back then, American television wanted it's heroes to be white-as-snow... But Bret Maverick was, essentially, a coward, and he even wore predominantly BLACK! (In old American Westerns, the Good Guy wore a white hat and the bad guy wore a black hat... a bit of quite obvious symbolism. But MAVERICK -- intentionally -- broke that particular mold.)

Okay, so... to sum up: (1) BRET MAVERICK is one of the best characters ever created and (2) performing magic has unexpected consequences that could possibly result in an inter-dimensional war between us and aliens from WHERE-the-fuck-EVER.

Class dismissed.


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