Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back To 3-Day Weekends!!!

Okay, I know that I only had a single 2-day weekend, but it affected the week. No seriously, I'm not just spoiled! Your body and mind get into a rhythm and...

Fine. Don't believe me, lol. ;)

As I mentioned previously, I'm a cat who digs celebrating! Even, and especially, the small things in life!

So waking up Sunday evening and having 3 days off to look forward to was GREAT!

Only, I had NO IDEA what I was gonna do with those 3 days. I had a dvd box set coming some time soon, probably Monday. But I couldn't count on that. I had some dvds from Netflix I could watch. Plus there's still more KISSology, Volume 2 that I can watch. I've got TRANSFORMERS: THE GAME, and some TV shows My Genius Friend Dave burned off TV.

So many options. And no one particular things stood out in my mind.

However, as the title of my blog suggests, I believe in Wu Wei -- "action without acting" or, more precisely, "effortless doing". I have found great success just sort of feeling out the Cosmic Flow and letting it take me to strange and interesting places.

This weekend, I think I found the very center of the Flow, and it was a groovy ride! :D

Something I've noticed is that Wu Wei is easier to practice if you have a starting position.

When I woke up Sunday night, I had one: Go see Gan-Gan! :)

Brian had to work Sunday night, so I woke up later than usual, as he tends to wake me up if I sleep too long on Family Night. Still, I woke up in time to catch Gan-Gan before she retired for the night. I enjoyed our conversation. Very cool!

And as I drove home I was SO diggin' on the summer night that my next course of action presented itself with ease: Sonic! I don't know why, but eating and watching movies outdoors just has this ineffable appeal to me! I mean, I could TRY to explain it, but why bother? It's just a weird, special thing for me -- one I don't often get to indulge -- that I'm fine not understanding it, hehe.

The thing is this: I usually simply can't afford to eat out. Not even Sonic, which is hardly expensive. (I mean, McD's, Wendy's and Jack In The Box are cheaper, but Sonic isn't unreasonably priced.)

Then there's also my hermit-ness. Once I'm home, I generally don't want to leave the apartment, lol. Lame? Perhaps. But we like what we like.


All these factors fell into my favor Sunday night!

I'm driving home, the sun is just about fully set, the breeze is warm and soft (rather than muggy, as it has been recently). And Sonic was conveniently situated almost between where I was when the idea struck me and my home! AND I had enough money! :)

I've been airing these commercials for a Chipotle Breakfast Burrito that looks SO GOOD! So I parked at Sonic and ordered the Chipotle Breakfast Burrito, Tater-Tots, Mozzerella Sticks, a Diet Coke and an M&M Flurry!

Much more food than I needed (or even wanted, it turns out, lol) but it was tasty!

I'm not a fan of the Chipotle Burrito, though. Too spicy for my taste. Not bad at all, just not my thing.

Omg it was SO NICE, though, being able to enjoy the gorgeous summer night and eat indulgent food and just BE!!!

I have heard it and read it, but more than that I have many times experienced the fact that the key to living well is living in the moment! I receive the most joy and make the fewest mistakes when I'm just living one moment at a time. When you sit with someone you love (it could be romantic, or familial, or just a close friend) in a comfortable silence, unconcerned about when one of you is going to speak next, that is living in the moment. Or when you eat a meal alone, and enjoy every bite -- even if what you're eating turns out not to me something you want to ever eat again -- and you're not worried about what you're going to do after the meal, and you let thoughts and sensations just pass through your mind easily -- no mental "chatter", just easy-flowing random thoughts -- that is living in the moment.

And omg, I was IN that moment!

Okay, so hangin' with Granny: Check. Good food in my belly: Check. (Too much, but that's okay sometimes, hehe.)

I was SO enjoying the night that I was tempted to drive to Wemberly and see if I could catch a flick at their out-door theater, but as blissed-out as I was I knew this was wildly impracticle and not likely to happen.

So next step was go home.

I had laundry to do, and I knew that if I just did it now, at the beginning of my weekend, it would feel good to know -- when it randomly popped into my head over the next few days -- that it was already done. So laundry it is!

I distinctly remember, as I walked to or from the laundry room, how much I wish I had a little tent that fit on my balcony so I could sleep outside tonight! Hell, if I had a lawn bench out there I would have just laid down and taken a nap right then and there, letting my cell phone alarm wake me when it was time to put the clothes in the dryer! It was THAT NICE outside Sunday night!

I don't remember how I occupied myself while my laundry was washing, but before it was done Brian came home. I popped in an episode of DERREN BROWN: MIND CONTROL and we drank and chatted, pausing the show when conversation started back up again.

I grabbed my laundry before the first episode was ended, and after that I popped in a second episode. We got halfway through that before conversation and an intense alcoholic buzz set in, hehe.

Brian hadn't eaten Sunday, and he finished his beer and was bumming beer from me. Then I reminded him that we had the fixin's for Bloody Marries (which he loves)... and that may have been a bit of a mistake, lol. (With the not-having-eaten thing.)

After the first Bloody Marry Brian was already in this place where he was free and chatty and just diggin' on life. I wasn't certain if I was going to fix myself a drink Sunday (I was already blissed-out) but I was enjoying the conversation, and wanted to get to that place where Brian was, so I went ahead and made my current standard: Segram's 7 and Diet Twist-Up (which is the Walmart version of 7-Up). (So I guess it would be a "7&7", if I'm getting that name correct.)

Anyway, by the time we got halfway through the second MIND CONTROL Brian and I were both plenty buzzed... on our way to "wasted", lol.

Brian felt the need to jam out to Creed, and I felt the need to play some TRANSFORMERS: THE GAME. I smashed me some Decepticons GOOD, baby!!!

And after a while I felt the need to skip the fighting part of TRANSFORMERS and just drive really, really fast, so I switched to FLAT-OUT 2, all the while just carrying on this random conversation with Brian.

He got SLOPPY that night, lol! usually, when he & I are drinking together, I'm the one that will have a bit too much and find myself unable to navigate the tight maze that is our apartment without tipping over into a wall. Not so Sunday night, hehe. I haven't seen Brian wasted like that before, lol.

Btw, I'm not encouraging alcohol abuse, kids. I'm just saying that sometimes, when your in safe surrounding and don't have to drive home, it can be FUCKIN' FUNNY!!! :D

I'm sure that if I could remember enough of our conversation to record it line-by-line, you would be less amused than we were. ;) But we were laughing our asses off! Laughing until my entire torso was SORE! It was kind of a Texas Male Bonding Experience, hehe. Brian's schedule has been kind of weird lately and we haven't been able to chat like we usually do, so I guess we were just enjoying each other's company a bit exessively, lol.

To top this all off, though, Kelly called, and he had been drinking, too. So I passed the phone to Brian and he and Kel caught up a bit, then Kelly and I talked -- silly stuff, at first, then some serious stuff that's going on in Kel's life -- and when I hung up, Brian had finally crashed-out. (This was well into the Wee Hours, like "late afternoon" my time, hehe.)

I was pleased with all this day had provided me, so I went ahead and crashed myself.

Monday, I woke up and immediately checked the mail. I wanted to see if my dvds had arrived.

Learning that Sci-Fi Channel was airing a new Flash Gordon series, I got the ache for the old animated series I watched on Saturday Mornings as a kid. I remembered seeing that it was out, so I ordered it from Amazon.com.

Oh, yeah, when I woke up, Brian was watching Disc One of KISSology, Volume 2. He was watching KISS: ATTACK OF THE PHANTOM, which I've blogged about previously. So when I got back from the mail, FLASH GORDON dvd box set in hand, I popped in the first disc and we switched to some animated Flash!

We were both hella hung-over, and Brian suggested that some "hair of the dog" might help us. I had a beer, Brian had 2, and it actually did normalize us, lol. So we sat there and watched I-don't-know-how-many hours of Filmation's FLASH GORDON series. But it was cool, just vegging there, laughing at the flaws and appreciating what Filmation got right. We only watched the first disc, but I swear that must have been 3 hours!

After the first disc, I swictehd to the pilot for the Sci-Fi Channel FG -- which My Genius Friend Dave had recorded for me, and which he had warned me blew dog. And he was right, of course. If the were going to make a Flash Gordon series on-the-cheap, they should have called ME to write and produce it! Me and my guys would have made sure it WAS Flash Gordon for the exact same amount they spent the crap they're doing. Only PEOPLE WOULD HAVE WATCHED our version!

I can let you in on this now: After watching the 2nd season of 24 I had this PERFECT pitch for a TV series: It's 24 meets Star Wars... FLASH GORDON! Think about it: 24 is a serial, a cliff-hanger seres! Star Wars is George Lucas's version of the Flash Gordon serials of his youth! And cliff-hangers were just TV episodes before TV was invented!

But think about it, even if the budget was low, if the writing and acting was good and tight and tense, like 24, the show would be something to watch! (Actually, think more Classic Trek meets 24. That's more a accurate discription.)

I can share it now, because this current Flash Gordon series is going to ensure that NOBODY uses the character for at least 10 years. Now when you say "Flash Gordon" people will say "The '80s movie or the suck-y show?" So even if I were in L.A. and talking to people, I couldn't make the pitch.



So the show was as bad as I was warned, but Brian and I had some fun mocking it, but then I remembered one of my Netflix movies... DEJA VU!!!

From what I had heard about it, I figured this was the way to cleanse our pallets!!! I felt pretty comfortable that this flick would make us both very, very happy!


We went from B-grade to Z-grade to straight-up A++GRADE entertainment!!!

Have you see the flick?!! If you like Sci-Fi -- REAL Sci-Fi -- you should really watch this movie!!!

We wtched it, loved it, then watched it again with this special commentary: You get to hear Bruckheimer (the producer), Tony Scott (the director) and the screenwriter talking about the movie as you watch it, but then periodically it will switch to a featurette about the production of this one specific cool moment in the film, taking you behind the scenes and giving you a more thorough understanding about teh production of the film!!!


By the time that was over, Brian was ready to crash. We had literally spent our entire day in front of the TV together, lol! It was the opposite of Sunday: Mellow, sober, low-key. :)

The ONLY thing that could have made Sunday and Monday more perfect for me would be having Wendy with us both days! Her wackiness when we were all drunk and her mellowness when we were all mellow... That would have been AMAZING!!!

Still, she was with me in my heart.

Even more so after Brian crashed... because I slipped in here (his room; my computer room, if you will) and watched most of ROBIN HOOD, the BBC TV show!!! I had seen, like, the first 4 episodes online, but it's an Action/Adventure show, so online quality just isn't good enough. (Those are the other 4 Netflix dvds I have.)

OMG!!! That show just gets BETTER AND BETTER the more you watch!!! I rewatched the first 4 episodes and remembered why I love the show so much, then I kept going for, like, the next 5 or 6 episodes!!! It was around 8:00 am when I finally decided I had to go to bed, lol.

I'll need to find my place again, but it looks like I have 2 or 3 episodes to go, then I have to wait for the next disc to arrive.

Bloody astounding show, though!!! I almost wish there weren't a second season, though, so I could know that the last disc would bring a conclusion to everything that's going on! Still, I do so look forward to more exploits, hee-hee! :D

In fact, I have reached the end of this blog entry, and now I will fill myself with Sherwood Forest-y goodness!


LOVE TO MY GNOMEY-GODDESS!!! x o x o x o <3 <3 <3

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