Monday, August 06, 2007


It's been playing ever since I got it from the mail Sunday morning, lol!

Seriously, it's one of those dvds that after it sits on the menu for a cycle or two it automatically plays itself, and so it has been running continuously!

And the really funny thing is that Brian and I keep watching it! I mean, when we got back from seeing Gan-Gan last night Brian watched it as I blogged, then I joined him in watching it, then I popped in the Extras disc and we watched that until I had to go to sleep. But when I woke up this morning Brian was dead asleep with the movie playing again.

I had to go to the dentist early (my crown has come off and they needed to re-cement it, plus I was long overdue for a cleaning and so they took care of that while I was there) and when I got back Brian was awake and laughing at the flick!

That's kind of the crazy thing about this non-stop-Hot-Fuzz... IT CONTINUES TO MAKE US LAUGH! HARD!!!

Those guys put SO MUCH into that flick! Just layers and layers of cleverness!

Andrew Wright and Simon Pegg RULE!!!

Can't wait to see their next movie!

Also, I'd like to get a hold of some of their scripts, because I want to learn to write like they do!

I was about to say that it would be cool to see what an American version of their style of comedy would be like, then I remembered that SCRUBS is basically that. (In a hospital, though, of course.)

Big day tomorrow...

It's now 1:46 pm, and when I said "when I woke up this morning" I was literally talking about this morning. 8:00 am. I've flipped my sleep schedule this weekend for 2 reasons. The first was the need to see the dentist.

The second is that my friend Traci scored some passes to Fiesta Texas in San Antonio, and she invited Brian and me to go with her!

I can't remember how many years it's been since I've been to an amusement park!!! I love park rides, and I just haven't had the opportunity to go in well over 15 years!

So I'm looking forward to that!

Ooh! That's something else I can't wait to do with My Wendy Lady!!! Amusement Park!!!

Speaking of whom, I'm sitting vigil until 5:00 pm or 6:00 pm, hoping I'll bump into her online! I won't be online tomorrow -- not until she's well asleep -- so I'm hoping she'll log on today.

Wish me luck!



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