Sunday, July 22, 2007

Been A Whole Week!

Sorry about the absence.

Not much to report... I spent Monday and Tuesday watching seasons 1 & 2 of MINDFREAK.

Wednesday -- on an irrepressible impulse -- I bought Criss Angel's book. Read it all that day.

Well... The autobiographical part is only 175 pages. But still, for ME... that's quite a feat! I'm a slow reader. The rest of the book is called "40 Mindfreaks" and I read most of those, as well.

Thursday... Um... Oh, yeah: WORK! (As always.)

Also, last Monday (I think) I ordered 3 decks of Criss Angel's playing cards -- the same ones he uses on his show -- and Friday they arrived!!! I ordered a deck for Brian, a deck for My Genius Friend Dave and a deck for myself.

The decks for Brian and me are because we've been totally geeking-out on Criss Angel's show and music. The deck for My Genius Friend Dave is because he was a Loyal long before I was: He's the guy who turned me onto Criss Angel, which lead to me turning Brian onto him. So My Genius Friend Dave deserves a deck of Criss Angel playing cards.

And, as you know, yesterday HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS was released!!!

The news was filled with the announcement of spoilers getting out and stuff. I ignored it all. I just want to read the thing and experience it for myself.

Or... in my case... you know, LISTEN to it, hehe. :)


It's not yet for sale on iTunes!!! WTF?!! I mean, C'MON!!! It's THE LAST HARRY POTTER BOOK!!! HOW can they NOT be selling it yet?!! Does Apple not realize that people will want to buy this book the moment it comes out? And some people prefer audio! PORTABLE audio! They could have made a killing!

So on my way to work I stop off at a Barnes & Noble to try to pick up a copy on cd -- realizing it'll be much more expensive than buying it off iTunes, but not caring because I want to have finished the book by the time my friends have, 'cause they're gonna wanna talk about it -- and THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY IN STOCK!!!

Let me say this again:

Barnes & Noble didn't have any copies of DEATHLY HALLOWS on cd.

Not ONE.

Wtf is THAT all about?!!

One of the largest bookseller chains in the United States didn't think that people might want a copy of THE LAST HARRY POTTER BOOK on cd?!!

What? I'M the only person who listens to audiobooks?

I kind of doubt that.

So I get to work and My Genius Friend Dave read the first 100 or so pages last night, and he talked about it a very, very little... And in a fury of excitement I was asking if he'd mind if I ran off to Book People to see if they had a copy, and returning with the book, lol.

All he really said was that after reading the first 100 pages "I was not disappointed," lol. But coming from My Genius Friend Dave that was quite enough!

So I listened to the first 2 chapters, and got started on the third between work, the grocery store, and home.

When I got home I converted the first 2 discs to mp3s so I can load them onto my iPod and continue converting mp3s while I listen.

It's 21.7 hours long, so most of my weekend will probably be listening to this last Harry Potter adventure. But I hope to put a huge dent in it before I go to sleep. (Cuz I'm OFF TOMORROW!!!) :D

I'm kinda hopin' that if the book keeps me up really late, I might bump into my Gnomey Goddess online, hee-hee. That would be cool! :D

But we'll see.

Hey, if you stumble onto this blog and you're reading THE DEATHLY HALLOWS too, I'd love to hear what you're thinking of it so far! No spoilers, please, but it would be cool to hear from you! Sort of share the reading experience!

Check in with you later!


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