Sunday, July 15, 2007

7 Hours Into My 10-Hour Shift...

I am 3 hours away from my weekend!!!


Nothing big planned. Maybe write a novel... You know, nuthin' big, hehe.

Actually, there's no way I'm writing a novel this weekend, but I feel one sort of growing inside me. (I'M A MOMMY!!!) But I'm only in my first trimester, so I'm dealing with the morning sickness and mild cravings, but I'm not really showing yet, lol. ;)

The novel I put a few months' worth of work into is stalled... It's basically just me killing people off with clever setups/payoff and flawless structure, but no real theme or "soul".

And if you've seen STRANGER THAN FICTION, you might have a decent idea of what that feels like. (I mean, SHE was struggling with killing a character and creating HER MASTERPIECE... This thing WOULD NOT have been my masterpiece... And I killed A LOT MORE people, lol.)


But I've got something potentially BRILLIANT cooking now.

I'm not really blogging about my writing, though. I'm pretty much just blogging because it's been a while.

OOH! My dealer hooked me up with my next 2 fixes, lol! My Genius Friend Dave gave me a copy of the 1st and 2nd episodes of BURN NOTICE. Can't wait to tear into those!!! He has so
far NOT been disappointed with the series, so I'm really excited!


Since my last blog entry, my pusher struck again...

If you get him started about Criss Angel -- street magician and MINOR DEITY -- he'll go on and on about how badass this guy is and how much fun his show on A&E is and blah, blah, blah. My Genius Friend Dave even had me pause in my work one night because Criss Angel was on an episode of VEGAS that he was airing, and he wanted me to see this guy.

I watched.

I thought the guy was a bit pretentious, and I never would have considered coining the term over-Goth-y before seeing the episode. But My Genius Friend Dave liked him, so cool.

Anyway, this was months ago. (Maybe even close to a year ago. Seriously.)

After my last blog I'm sitting vigil for my Gnomey Goddess, and I find entire episodes of CRISS ANGEL: MINDFREAK on this site, so I watch them...




I was a couple minutes late getting to work last night because I had to track down season's 1 and 2 on dvd, as well as the soundtrack cd (because -- alas -- my beloved iTunes does not carry it, even though they do carry both seasons of the show) so that I could listen to Criss Angel's music on my way to work!!!

It was a crazy night last night. The morning before my shift ended was crazy, AFTER it turned Friday the 13th, I noticed. So my Friday the 13th finished up crazy, as well. I got through with little pain and fuss thanks to My Genius Friend Dave, actually!!! (I have a kind, caring dealer/pusher.) And I wanted some Criss Angel music to sort of pump me up going into what I knew would be a crazy situation.

It worked, too... If you are curious.

Anyway... MINDFREAK!!! If you're even passively interested in illusions, you should give this cat a watch. If you tell me you know how he does his tricks, I'm likely to call you a liar, lol. Mind-blowing stuff!!! And I studied magic quite passionately in my teens and early-20s, too! I mean, I never inteded to go into it because in my teens it was all about acting, and my early-20s was the beginning of my studies in writing. But it's always been a passionate fascination for it, and I could probably show you a couple of trick to make you scratch your head.

But Criss Angel... DUDE! Most of his stuff, I don't have a CLUE how he did it! And I used to watch Penn & Teller stuff and I could at least guess at how some parts of the illusion were performed. (Not because I'm genius like them, but because they produced enough videos and books talking about how to do magic that I got a flavor for their style and how they work.)

As a special feature on his second season dvds, he shows you 3 tricks, and the second one BLEW ME AWAY! I just watched it, and I'm blown away, as I normally am, but you know.... This is becoming usual. Then he said "Wanna know how I did it? I'm gonna show you," AND HE DID!

And it was BRILLIANT!!!

Moreover, if you research Criss Angel on the Net you'll get the haters or the merely disinterested who feel comfortable dismising the Criss Angel phenomenon as him paying off people to pretend to be surprised, though they are part of the trick. (And if you don't enjoy experiencing a sense of wonder, I can see how dismissing what Criss Angel does would definitely help you sleep better at night, lol.) But after seeing this trick, then having him show me how it's done -- if you're familiar with his show, it's the trick with his makeup/hair stylist and another girl, and a lipstick mark that jumps from his hand to hers -- I TOTALLY believe that when he says "What you see is what you get" it's not bullshit!

Well, relatively speaking, of course... His job IS misdirection and slight-of-hand, after all, lol.

But probably the biggest reason I'm all Mindfreak-ed now is because I have yet another inspiration in my life, lol.

I can't help it, I just DIG ON folks who not only master their passion, but take it to knew heights!!! Criss Angel is that guy! He makes magic COOL!!!

You see pictures of Harry Houdini atop a skyscraper in New York back in the 1920s, and the city is gathered around watching whatever he's doing... You get the idea that for those people Houdini's magic WAS cool! Our concept of magic devolved since then... Too many elementary-school-cafagynatorium magicians who make flowers appear from their sleeves and pour milk into rolled-up newspapers , transforming it to sand.

But, you know... The FIRST time we saw that trick... It was kinda cool! (I was probably 6 the first time I saw it, but it WAS cool then!)

Now Angel comes around and does stuff that just BLOWS YOUR MIND, and I feel like I'm a kid again! I'm all like, "He's a wizard, and he's just pretending to be an illusionist so as not to reveal that magic REALLY DOES exist!!!" ;P

Okay, I should get back to work now.

It's 10:00 am UK-time... You think my baby's awake at 10:00 am on a Sunday morning?

She has been working a lot lately...


Only one way to find out, hehe.


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