Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I've been takin' it LAZY this Monday!!!

I fell asleep watching THE SIMPSONS and woke up watching it, then logged on to catch my baby if she logged in before bed. Then I watched both versions of THE HITCHER!

VERY cool!!!

I had seen the first, natch, back in '88 when it came out. Great flick! Very disturbing and tense.

But the remake RULES!!!

And it was really neat to watch them back-to-back, and see just how closely the remake writers and director stuck to the original!!! I'm talking some SERIOUS respect here!

Then, for the last few hours, I've been in SecondLife with Brian.

He found these sound effects that create an aural ambience of a haunted forrest when the sun goes down (in SL)!!! It made the Cemetary behind Freddy's Alley (one of Brian's stores) even COOLER!

Then I needed to reboot the computer, so now here I am.

OH! But the reason I'm able to make a blog entry while the main computer that I use is rebooting is because Brian installed a Linux operating system on the computer I'm using at the moment!!!

LISTEN: If you have a choice between Windows Vista or Linux Tophat or Linux Umbutu, TAKE THE LINUX!!! Vista is designed to MAKE YOU PAY for watching video, for movies, for music, FOR EVERYTHING! Linux is part of the OPEN SOURCE MOVEMENT! It wants knowlege to be FREE!!!

More practically speaking, Windows is a resource HOG! It uses more RAM than it should running background programs that YOU DO NOT NEED OR WANT RUNNING! Linux, uses ONLY the resources you want/need running! So an 1997 computer can play video off the Net!!! While a 2001 computer running Windows just BARELY can!!!



It's 9:31 am in the UK, so my baby might be logging on any time within the next 3 or 4 hours. So that's cool! :D

Okay, back to SL...

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