Thursday, July 26, 2007

Last HP Book DOES NOT Disappoint!!!

I'm taking a break from doing some research at work, and I thought I'd bring any and all interested parties up to date on my weekend...


Finished the book before going to sleep Tuesday morning.


It's epic, thrilling, shocking and fulfilling. Rowling seems to have had an overall plan since the first book. Every book has been adding to the ongoing saga, revealing secrets from before Harry was first deposited at his aunt's and uncle's house at Privet Drive, but this last book fills in all kinds of interesting details that happened before the first book, and over the course of the first 6 books!

You'll know what I'm going on about after you read it. But I was shocked to see the whole story finally play out in it's entirety, and was well impressed with J. K. Rowling's handling of all the details you're wondering about and many, many details you didn't even realize are important to the over-all picture!!!

It's kind of a brutal book, though, lol! Not "Harry Dresden" brutal, in many ways. But sometimes really, really close.

It's hard to write anything coherent without giving away spoilers, because it's all the specific scenes and events that make the book so amazing!

VERY cool read!

And better than I hoped it would be!!! (And, naturally, after the last 3 books my expectations were high!)

So then after that, I reverted back to re-watching episodes of MINDFREAK, lol.

I read an article Friday night about screenwriting by a guy who is a professional screenwriter, selling scripts as his day-job, who offers advice based on his own working habits.

A bit of advice that really struck my interest was to develop a secondary "obsessive activity". He explains that writing is an obsessive activity, and that the only way to truly take a break from it is to have another to balance it out. He grows tomatoes. I don't have a green thumb, but it occurred to me that I could allow my newly rekindled fixation with magic to become my secondary obsessive activity.

I'm still mulling it over.

I mean, I have no aspirations to making a career out of it. But it might be cool to have a store of tricks that I can whip out whenever the situation calls for some entertainment.

Who knows, maybe there's a screenplay or novel in it somewhere way down the road.

Anyway, Tuesday when Tommy came over we all seemed to fixate on magic and spent a few hours showing each other the tricks we remember and laughing a lot.

So who knows...

Okay, I'm getting back to work for now.

OH! Mom's in town, and Brian and I are having breakfast with her when I get off work! That'll be cool!

The reason Mom's in town is sad, though... My Gan-Gan's not doing well at the moment. She's in the hospital, and not conscious much over the last couple of days. The doctors have found some things wrong with her, but not what the real problem is, as of Mom's last report. :(

So I'm praying for her. But this woman has one of the strongest spirits I have ever seen! She embodies Eddie Izzard's joke about "old ladie's just keep powerin' on," hehe! ("Men, we reach 65 or 70 and just drop dead. But old ladies, they just keep going." Or words to that effect... and said funnily, lol.) My Gan-Gan has survived all kinds of weird stuff as she started getting older, and then the next time you see her you'd never guess anything had ever been wrong with her!

So I'm praying, but I also have a great deal of confidence. She's not giving up easily.

Hey, I hope you and all your families are healthy and happy!!! And if they are, a quick "I love you" wouldn't be out of order. ;)



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