Friday, January 20, 2006


I am 1 hour 35 minutes away from 12 DAYS OFF!!!

Straight UP!

See, usually I take vacation days off so I can travel. And don't get me wrong, the trips always RULE. But I'm a cat who is not affraid of stillness. Where as many, MANY people I know seem to have to keep moving at all costs, for fear that their Inner Selves might catch up with them or something, I can really ENJOY me some silence!

I really welcome some Down Time at home!!!

I mean, my weeks are about working, then writing at work or at home whenever I can, and trying to squeeze in some Tomb Raider and/or movies -- and even the occasional BOOK! -- and then maybe some sleep every now and then. My weekends are partial recovery, partial work days.

And that's cool. That's how it'll be when I'm pro, to be sure. (Except that I may have nights free for a social life. And perhaps the money for one, also.) But I believe BOREDOM is the mother of creativity. When I get bored, that's when ideas come to me.

So I'm going to TAKE THIS WEEKEND OFF -- from ALL work!!! -- and then see what happens on Monday. My hope is that by Friday or Saturday I'll have done all the cool stuff I don't usually have time to do now (it's been a while since I've played RESIDENT EVIL 2 or RESIDENT EVIL CODE: VERONICA...), then gotten some new ideas for one of the projects we're working on, then actually get some writing done!

And now, I'm just 1 hour and 11 minutes away!!!

Went to sleep last night and woke up to some Season 3 of THE TWILIGHT ZONE! Now THAT'S livin'!!! Rod Serling lulling me to sleep with some eerie tales of man's failings and inherent beauty!

I've been watching some behind-the-scenes video from www. and that's sort of got me wanting to re-watch the CLERKS animated series.

And then there's the OTR cds I'm expecting in the mail! That can kill a couple of days, easily!

Ooh... and I've got a movie from Neflix that I'm eager to see: SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER... AND SPRING. It's a Korean flick that seems like it'll be very contemplative and enlightening. Like Kurosawa's RED BEARD! Or, like... what? There really aren't many contemplative movies. Or, I don't watch them, anyway.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to watching it!

Okay, I've got 52 more minutes before vacation. I'd better make sure I didn't overlook something here at work. Hate to get a call in the next week saying "Yeah, uh, don't bother coming back."

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