Tuesday, January 10, 2006


The last 3 days have been fantastic!

First off, all weekend I've been glutting myself with Carlin comedy! Brilliant, insightful, painfully profane and -- most importantly -- hysterically funny! Thanks to eMusic I have 6 albums, and one is George Carlin On Comedy!!!

But still, my most of my weekend was rough because I was behind on the -------- project Tommy and Brian and I are working on...

...but today the three of us worked out a new process for development that allows Tommy to work on the scripts, me to polish as he writes them (effectively giving us 2 drafts in the time it takes to write a single draft) and Brian and get to move on some projects silmultaneously!

Brian has a short he wrote and is going to direct, that is close to being in shooting shape! So I did a polish on his script Sunday and Monday. We still have a smidge more work to do, then we're location scouting. And if this works out well, then we just ask Tommy to take a weekend of 2 off from his writing to get the production and post-production, and then he's back to -------- and Brian and I are onto the next thing.

This way, the 3 of us should have a lot of things for folks to see and hear (more on that later) in 2006! The way we were working it, we thought we could focus on the main project, THEN do these smaller projects. But the way it is now, we do BOTH AT ONCE!!!

And I don't believe I've been more inspired and enthused in a VERY long time! (Maybe never!)

I feel like I am living the lifestyle I wanted to be living when I was a teen! (Well, there would be a few more starlettes and supermodels than are currently in my life, and a bit more money... But not MUCH more... of EITHER!)

Plus, Brian and I made a deal with Mom for a business loan to purchase a digital video camera -- for reasons which will be clear around mid-summer. We were prepared to settle for a consumer grade cam. Mom went for it and I called Kelly and Brian IM-ed Tommy for some tips on what we do and don't want...

...the long-and-short of it is that Tommy hooked us up with a pro-sumer grade video camera!!! (It's actually pro grade -- it's FCC broadcast quality -- but it doesn't transfer to film like Hi-Def does. Which is BETTER THAN FINE for our purposes!)

And we got to spend most of the day at Tommy's with his young'un, Amber! (a.k.a. Sweet, Sweet Amber!) We talked some shop, had many adventures with the squirt, and got to chug pizza when Tommy's wife got home! Then the menfolk went outside and played with our RC cars on the sidewalk for an hour or so -- while talking shop. (Mine's an Astin Martin... 007!)



Tons of work ahead of us; all of it FUN!!!

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