Monday, March 13, 2006

Resident Evil 4!!!

I popped SILENT HILL 4: THE ROOM in the Playstation last night and got through the credits when Kelly called to do some writing.

It was a good conversation, but it went on long enough that I didn't get my horror-game fix.

So this morning I woke up jonesing for some horror gaming. But I didn't have time, before I had to get ready for work, for the slow and somewhat plodding (or, rather, "suspenseful") pace of a SILENT HILL game. I need some Action/Horror.

There's my BUFFY game...

But that doesn't really FEEL like a horror game. It feels like an action game, like SPIDER-MAN 2... You know? Like a super-hero game. Doesn't give me that horror fix.

So I'm looking through my huge-ass library of games (getting bigger by the day) and I spot RESIDENT EVIL 4, which I haven't played yet...

...and I pop it in...

AND IT RULES THE WORLD!!! I mean, I probably only played it for half an hour -- and I'm not a proper gamer, so I probably accomplish much less than most people do in half an hour -- but I LOVED every second!!!

It reminded me why I love the RESIDENT EVIL series as much as I do! There's just nothing like an RE game! Wandering around creepy setting with zombies popping out at you every few feet, and shooting!!!

Only, the graphics for RE4 are, naturally, MIND-BLOWING!!! I popped a dude's head OFF with one of my shots!!! Dude's coming at me with a pitchfork, I fire and TAKE HIS HEAD OFF, and he keeps coming for a few feet before his body realizes that it's not getting any signals from upstairs anymore!

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's HORRIBLE. But it's horrible in that Horror-Flick/Horror-Game way!!!

I do need to go back and play some more of my SILENT HILLs -- I DIG ON the psychology they employ -- but I think I'll be focusing every moment I can steal away on RESIDENT EVIL 4 for the time being! (At least, until I come up against a Boss that refused to die, and I get all frustrated because I can't progress any further. Then I'll be able to take a break...)

Okay, I'm going to go now. I have some research I need to do to create some backstory for some bad guys...

You KNOW you SO wish you were me!


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