Sunday, March 08, 2009

Exhausted, But Blissful...

I just rolled in from my 2nd -- yes SECOND -- investigation!!! :D


Actually, I've been back for 2.5 hours, but I've only just been able to drag my lazy behind to the computer, lol. ;P

Sorry it's taken me so long to write, but Yorktown Memorial Asylum & Hospital was quite an experience and I'm still digesting it.


I'm guessing it may be a bit longer before I can do the experience any justice.

First off, it was an AMAZING break to get to explore an old asylum on Brian's and my first investigation! I mean, if nothing else, it was flat-out FUN! :D

You remember going on family trips as a kid, driving through small towns and seeing these dilapidated ancient buildings? Usually they were tiny homes from the '50s or earlier, but they looked all creepy and cool -- in that naughty, "dangerous" way -- and you wondered what it might be like inside them?

Okay, not add that feeling to the feeling you had the first time you saw one of those classic Horror movies, like a Dracula movie (just about any one will do), just any movie with an asylum or haunted mansion or something, and then imagine you ACTUALLY GET TO SPEND THE NIGHT INSIDE THERE!!!

From sundown to sunup!

It's just a ridiculously fun experience!

Now imagine that the reason you're there, you're entire purpose for being there, is TO SEE A GHOST, lol!!! :D

I'm talkin' Halloween in February!!!

It feels "wrong", lol. It feels like something you shouldn't be getting away with. It was actually a little disconcerting at first, because I had trouble shaking the feeling that I needed to be on my guard and not get caught roaming around in there!

But then the bliss heightens when you start discussing methods and approaches with fellow investigators, searching for the best means to hopefully collect some evidence... Then, all of a sudden, those years you spent reading about ghosts and the paranormal become valuable!

That's a ridiculously heady feeling right there!

All that time I spent obsessed with learning the latest theories about what this phenomenon we call "the paranormal" actually is becomes anything but mere entertainment. Your teammates have read most of the same books that you have, have listened to most of the same interviews and podcasts that you have, but not all of them. And you haven't been exposed to all the same material they have. And so you find yourself having these serious, deep discussions about what you're trying to capture and how best to capture it!

Frickin' BRILLIANT!!! :D

And that's where tonight makes this journey I'm on REALLY freaky...

Tonight we investigated a residence, the personal home of real people who have real concerns. Being a private residence, it's all confidential, so I won't go into details. But generally speaking, I met some actual, real people who have some serious questions, and they asked TSPI to come into their home and do what we can to hopefully provide some real answers for them.

And again, all those hours I spend studying paranormal and metaphysical -- and even quantum physical -- topics, learning everything I can cram into my noggin, all come to the service of fellow human beings.

It's not merely entertainment anymore. Tonight I got to use the knowlege I pursue -- which, up until tongiht, has been useful for little more than intellectually stimulating discussions and debates in coffee houses or at work -- to hopefully make the world make a little more sense to some of my fellow humans!

I mean, I know I'm describing this in what probably sounds like grandeose terminology, but I'm being earnest here. I'm not saying my hours upon hours of Spooky Southcoast and and The Nightwatch Show and Paranormal Podcast and Ghost Hunters have saved human lives or anything. But I'm attempting to express the feeling of discovering that a not-so-guilty pleasure for you is actually useful to someone else.

It's mind-blowing!

I never realized it until tonight, but I would have never imagined my fascination with What Lies Beyond could amount to anything other than a fun way for me to spend my time. But tonight, as I set about to do my part in helping someone gain some answers, I realized that my paranormal obsession actually has some value... to someone other than me.

It's like this: Imagine discovering that by eating your favorite food -- as much of it as possible and for as often as possible -- someone can benefit. Like, my favorite food is pizza. And, say, this other person hates eating pizza, but he writes a weekly newspaper column on pizza, and that's the only job he can get. So my love of eating pizza provides him with insights and points of interest that allow him to write his weekly pizza column, without ever having to touch the stuff himself.

Okay, that's a wierd and disproportionate illustration, but do you sort of get where I'm coming from? My passtime/entertainment/obsession is actually useful to someone else.

That's a wierd realization to come to. I mean, I'm sort of programmed that the only value I can offer others is to do things that I don't want to do. You know? Your only value to the dentist is to let them cause you pain with horrible intrsuments, and then give them some of your money. If you don't do those two things, the dentist has no use for you.

But what if, say, your dentist asked you to come over to his office and play Playstation for 5 hours, and then he sincerely thanked you afterward?

Wierd, right?

Like I said, I am (clearly) still digesting all this.

But I hope to get back to you soon and share Brian's & my adventures in the Yorktown asylum. It may take a while, still, as I have some 10 or more hours of audio evidence to carefully comb through from tonight's investigation.


But if you want a taste of Yorktown, watch this video from that evening! I believe Brian and I were in the Delivery Room of the asylum when this happened. This took place in or near the Operating Room...


Hope you're having a GREAT weekend!!!


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