Sunday, March 22, 2009

DUDE! My Girlfriend Is HOT!!!

This day has been, like, blessed since I first woke up, and then I check my email and get a message from Gnomey with a bunch of pics of her new haircut and OH MY GODDESS!!!


I SO don't deserve her, lol!

I mean, she does this... We live on different continents and because of the logistics of, you know life, we don't get to communicate as often as either of us would like... But then she'll call me or send me something or just say something that makes my head explode! :D (You know... in a good way!)

How many people do you know that can do that?

You know? How many people do you know that can just do or say something, just out of the clear blue, that just rocks your world and makes you SO glad that you're alive?

That's my Gnomey! Since I met her she has always been able to turn a cool, okay day into proof of the existence of some sort of Divine beneficence!!! And then -- and this is the part that just takes my breath away and makes me drop to my knees Wayne & Garth style and proclaim "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!" -- she can (and regularly does) take a super-bad-ass day and make it so great I can't even wrap my head around it!

It's like this: The last time I saw KISS (their Farewell Tour in Austin, the original 4 in makeup and costume) there was a point where the noise became so loud I think I went deaf for a second. We were amazingly close to the stage, it was one of those points in the concert when everyone is on their feet and yelling as loudly as they can, and for a second -- maybe less than a second -- I heard only silence. The best I can guess: all the aural input just overloaded my brain's capacity to translate the data into sound, so it skipped a beat and I heard nothing for a moment.

It's never happened before, that I can remember, or after. And my hearing is fine. But for one second, literally, as far as I know, everything just went completely silent during one of the loudest concerts I've ever attended. (And I grew up in the 1980s, when bands prided themselves on being "the loudest", lol.)

This is the closest I can come to describing what Gnomey does to me over and over! I'll be enjoying a day that starts out as good as I would hope for, then gets better and better, then Gnomey will do something OFF-THE-CHARTS SWEET and I simply can't process all the different types of bliss I'm experiencing all at once, lol! It's better than an orgasm; it's joy that's simply too HUGE to be quantifiable!

How did this happen?! How did I meet someone like her?! How did she decide that I'm the one she's going to shower with love and laughter and warm-and-fuzzy feelings?!!

A friend once told me that the old saying about not looking a gift horse in the mouth was ridiculous, because the only way to tell a horse's age and degree of health is by looking at their teeth. (Or something along those lines.) But with the gift that is my Gnomey-Goddess... I really don't care how or why she came to be in my life. I just enjoy and appreciate every moment she is in it!!! xoxoxo


I hope someone blows you're mind, too! :) And if they do, maybe you should make sure they know that. ;)

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