Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Huh, Wha...?

Man, have I had a slothful weekend, lol! ;P

After a week's vacation, I sort of thought I'd probably be productive in some way these 3 days off.


I spent Sunday morning/Monday night watching Total Drama Island, which was fun! (Still haven't finished the first season, though I've re-watched a few of the episodes. I tend to fall asleep to it, wake up to it, then have to back up and re-watch episodes I've slept through, lol.)

Then Monday night I scored a handful of Coast to Coast AM shows: December 23, 2008 to January 3, 2009! I haven't listened to that show since Art Bell was the host (I think), so it was really cool to be able to sort of catch up a bit. It was kind of cool, too, because the topics and guests sort of allowed me to re-experience Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year's Eve & New Year's Day (sort of). In fact, I'm just about finished listening to Part 2 of the 2009 Predictions show.

I haven't finished The Shining yet, and my friend Lisa loaned me Conversations With God, Volume 1 and a couple of Wayne Dyer CDs, The Secrets of the Power of Intention and The Secrets of an Inspirational (In-Spirit) Life, none of which have I gotten to yet. (I dig on Dyer! He's got a really bad-ass book called Change Your Thoughts -- Change Your Life in which he lives the Tao Te Ching for a year and writes essays about how his life was changed by it. Very cool!)

I also scored a copy of a history of the movement to study parapsychology called
Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death. Believe it or not, I didn't accidentally buy this book thinking it was a TAPS book. I figure if I'm going to explore the Other Side, it might be wise for me to know about the history of the field. (It is said that if we don't learn about our history, we are doomed to relive it.) The field has always been filled with fraud and charlatans, so it's a good idea to learn what was has gone before. Also, it's best to know what has been tried in the past and either failed or succeeded! Sometimes the best knew idea or approach is an old idea revisited with a new perspective! :)

Also, sometimes the best new fiction is a retelling of an old, forgotten story... So knowing the history of paranormal investigation could, at the very least, inspire some ideas along the lines of "What if there were a Modern-Day 'Fox Sisters' who claimed that they could communicate with the Other Side and an up-and-coming paranormal investigation team...?" I mean, I doubt I'd use the Fox Sisters because they're too well-known, but maybe there are some obscure footnote characters/incidents that could be updated into a contemporary story.

Anyway, I'm still on my Coast to Coast AM marathon, so who knows when I'll get to any of these new books. But I am enjoying a nice back-and-forth between Spirituality and Paranormal! Which, I think, is healthy. When you're studying paranormal subjects, it's so easy to get sucked into the dark side, demons and other non-human, negative entities. So looking at it from a spiritually enlightening perspective is refreshing. PLUS... It gives you a perspective to take back into the paranormal studies that can offer new theories that might help you understand what you might be dealing with.



Dude! This woman owns me, lol!!! I can't get near enough of that Gnomey goodness! <3

(Blogger should get emoticons... That "<3" heart symbol is just almost too geeky even for me, lol.)

Okay, back to my audio cave.

I'm hoping I'll be able to report some actual accomplishment of something soon, but no promises. I'm sort of "flowing" into this New Year, feeling it out. I spent a lot of last year proclaiming that 2009 was going to be my year (well, one of them...) but 2008 kind of had some teeth! (I mean, does anyone have a disposable income anymore? lol ;P ) So I think I might sort of let myself slip into the groove of this year for a week or two before I try to start asserting my will upon it.

You know what I mean, right?


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