Saturday, January 03, 2009

Good Start for 2009...

My sleep schedule's been off a bit, so here's how I rang in the New Year...

I found myself wide awake around 3:00 pm New Year's Eve, and Brian & I were already in the midst of a hard-core Ghost Hunters marathon (we were watching all of Season 3; we've since moved on to the first half of Season 4), and we elected to go ahead and start our drinking early. (No plans to drive anywhere, so why not?)

I ended up crashing around 5:45 pm. But I was able to leave a message on Gnomey's voicemail, since her New Year officially began a mere 15 minutes or so later.

Brian, apparently, crashed maybe an hour later, lol.

But that wasn't the end of our New Years adventures...

I woke up around 8:45 pm to the sound of fireworks outside. I was still way-drowzy, but I thought "Cool, I can still catch some fireworks before the New Year begins."
So I got up, went out onto the porch... And mostly heard the fireworks, lol. I saw a few, but the trees surrounding our apartments mostly blocked the view.

However, my getting up woke Brian up, so we watched a few more episodes of Ghost Hunters before crashing a second time. I also managed to get the previous blog entry up before I crashed this time.

I was awakened by the sound of fireworks one more time, around midnight. But this time I wasn't able to drag myself out of bed, lol.

Woke up around 7:30 pm New Year's Day and our friend Tommy was here! :) He had brought his Wii over and he and Brian were playing. I wasn't nearly conscious enough yet to join in the games, but Brian & Tommy having fun was a nice way to wake up. I warmed up some black eyed peas, which I forced Tommy and Brian to eat with me for luck in the coming year. (It's an Edwards family tradition.)

After Tommy left, more Ghost Hunters, and then I spent much of yesterday listening to an unabridged version of The Shining while replaying levels of Tomb Raider Legends. I also managed to score the entire first season of the original Canadian version of Total Drama Island, which I converted for my iPod. (I don't know how different these episodes are from the version that aired on Cartoon Network. They may be identical, for all I know. Still...)

So I fell asleep to TDI -- much like I had when Brian & I were in Louisiana for Thanksgiving -- and now I'm up and hope to actually watch the episodes. :)

Also, this could turn out to be an exciting omen if it is any indication of how 2009 is going to go: I may be ghost-writing a memoir for a friend of a friend! :)

Being a ghost writer, I won't receive any public credit for the work, but if it's published it will get my name into publishing circles! It means that when my novel is completed, I'll have at least one person in the industry that I can show it to!

Now, I still may end up mailing it off to strangers before one of them publishes it, but it'll definitely be helpful to be able to say that I've ghost written this other manuscript out there!
It's kind of the equivalent to having sold a screenplay that someone else rewrote and getting a co-story-by credit. If it wins the OSCAR, the screenwriters (I think) get the statue, but having your name attached still give you some cache.

Now, this is all speculation at this point, but the potential is exciting! :)

Okay, I've got some more TDI to watch, and I'm feeling a bit peckish, so food, then iPod.



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