Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Script Frenzy Week 2 - 51 Pages

We're at the halfway point of Script Frenzy, and I'm just over halfway through
the required page-count! :)

I could have done more, probably reached the Week 3 page-count goal, but this weekend has been weird. I started off sick, and spent the last 3 days in bed. I was in and out of sleep, listening to paranormal podcasts. (Weird choice of listening material when you're ill, I know, but hey... It kept me occupied, lol.)

Actaully, I've fallen in love with one particular podcast: Spooky Southcoast!!! Tim Weisberg, Matt Costa and Science Adviser Matt Moniz rule the airwaves!!! :D

Spooky Southcoast is a radio broadcast that also uploads for a regular podcast, and if you're into paranormal topics, THIS is the podcast for you! Very fun, but they take the subjects they discuss seriously.

Listen to a few episodes (they run a couple hours long) and see if you're not addicted after just a couple!

I'm also into a podcast I discovered called Cult of UHF! It's simply B-Movies that you might have watched on a cable TV station some Sunday afternoon back in the '70s or '80s, lol. Growing up in Odessa, Texas, I never had a local channel that aired a Friday Night Fright Flick or a Sunday afternoon B-movie, but for some reason I adore the idea!!! I don't know what's up with me, but for some reason it's so much fun to fall asleep to a bad movie on my iPod, lol.

Plus, the portability of the Cult of UHF podcasts means that I can watch a bad B-movie where ever I go, hee-hee. :D For some reason, that appeals to me. :) (Which is slightly odd, because I've got plenty of really good movies on my iPod that I can watch. But there is some mysterious appeal to being able to watch a bad one that I'd never in a million years rent off Netflix, lol.)


Week 2 of Script Frenzy...

Let's check in on the ol' Frenzy beard...


Please ignore the bed-head. I've been up since around 7:00 am and just haven't gotten around to doing my 'do.


I think you'll agree that getting started on the Frenzy beard a week early didn't really give me any advantage, lol. My facial fuzz just doesn't like to grow.

If I ever act in a flick where I need a full beard, I'll have to use a prosthetic, or maybe have the makeup guy give me a hand, lol.

Okay, back to bed and podcasts for me.

SHOUT OUT TO MY GNOMEY GODDESS: I LOVE YOU, BABY!!! :D I miss you and I hope you are well!!! :D <3 <3 <3


Tim from Spooky Southcoast said...

Hey man, thanks for the kind words! Keep us up to date on your projects. spookycrew@spookysouthcoast.com

RayJay said...

I'm TOTALLY having a Fan-Boy moment here, lol!!! You guys ROCK! :D