Monday, April 07, 2008

38 Pages!!! :D

My dental appointment was a bust this morning, and I flipped my sleeping schedule yesterday, staying up until 8:00 pm or so. So I was left with a whole day to fill.

So I wrote some more. :)

I visited the Script Frenzy site and checked in on how other participants were doing. I found one woman in Austin who had some 30 pages. (There's someone in Australia who has completed 127 pages already!)

So I figured I'd go ahead and get some more done on the script.

Up to 38 now!

38 and 1/2, to be precise.

And it's too soon to check in on the ol' Frenzy beard again, but I want to reveal just how big a geek I am...


I have NO interest in guns whatsoever, and weapons in general (save for lightsabers, phasers and other sci-fi fun). But this is a replica of LARA CROFT's gun!!! Her default dual pistols that she uses!


Check out the design on that thing! I particularly like the 3 jagged things on the bottom of the front of the barrel! Very wicked looking! :)


I don't know how long she's been sporting this model. This is the earliest videogame pic I can find, the her facial design suggests this is back during Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness. I know she has them in Tomb Raider Legend because I spotted the replica gun some time ago, and then noticed it while playing the game.

In the promotional pics, you don't really get a good sideways shot of the gun, but you can tell by the barrel.


Also, I know Angelina Jolie uses them in the first movie, and I believe they're in the second movie, as well. (I might go back and check sometime, but not right now.)

So yeah, I'm a nerd, lol.

I only bought one, however. I'm a nerd, but I'm not that big a nerd, lol. ;P

Mom is coming by soon to take Brian & me out to dinner, then we're going to go see my pop's grave site. It's the 3rd anniversary of his passing.

So probably no more writing tonight. But I'm off tomorrow, so who knows! :)

Peace to all!!!

Think of someone you love, then tell them. As a favor to me. :)


Unknown said...

i am tryin to find a lara croft costume and i need guns were did u get them????????????

RayJay said...

I got mine off Here's a link to one here:

Hope this helps! :)