Sunday, April 06, 2008

29 PAGES for Week 1!!! :D

I'm so very excited! :D

I didn't do any writing since my last entry. In fact, I spent yesterday at work and most of this morning reading Save The Cat! Goes To The Movies instead of writing, as I probably should have done, lol.

It's a book with a very unique, straight-forward approach to developing a screenplay from a mere idea or concept, and I discovered it night before last via an interview with the author.

It's very illuminating! :)

But anyway...

So I have 7 pages done and I'm looking for 18 before Tuesday to keep up my quota, in order to win Script Frenzy this again tis year, and I found myself dozing off as I'm reading my new book, lol!

But I'm off for the next 3 days, so I decided "screw it" and I've been writing since 8:00 or 8:30 am. (It's just after 3:00 pm as I write this, hehe.)

Now, I've still got 3 more weeks to screw this up, so I'm not resting on my laurels... much, hehe. ;P

I have Family Stuff tomorrow, as well as a dental appointment. So I don't anticipate writing on Monday. But who knows what Tuesday will hold.

Or the rest of the week, for that matter.

Still... I feel triumphant right now, and Now is the only time we really have, right?


YAY, ME!!! :D

Okay... Let's have a look at that Frenzy beard...


Maybe a little bit of growth there...

Let's have a closer look...


The mustache seems a shade darker, perhaps.

But there are these patches that just refuse to meet, lol.

Honestly, when I look in the bathroom mirror it looks a bit thicker, but I guess that's just the shadows from the bathroom lights. When I photograph it, it just looks like I need to wash my face, lol.

Okay, hope everyone reading this has a MAGICAL week, and I'll be back sometime around next Tuesday with an update on my Frenzy page-count.

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