Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kille The T-Rex!!! :D

After completing TR LEGEND, I am now obsessing over TR ANNIVERSARY.

I mean, obsessing!

This morning, before going to bed, I loaded the soundtracks to TRA and THE CRADLE OF LIFE (the second TR flick) onto my iPod so I can listen to the music.

I also have a couple of the trade paperback collections of the Top Cow comic series -- The Merlin Stone and Saga of the Medusa Mask -- and I stuffed those in my bag in case I feel the need to READ some TR.

No idea why I can't get Tomb Raider out of my head, but I can't.

It's really weird!


Not THAT weird for ME... but...

Anyway, so now I'm on a quest to conquer TRA.

Where I got stuck when I first tried to play through was the damned tyrannosaurus! I thought I had gotten past it, but it turns out I hadn't.

I've played the first 2 1/2 levels through several times now, and I'm getting a lot more comfortable with the controls, so I decided to take on the T-Rex 3 days ago...

...and I finally killed it today before work!!!


With the T-Rex down, it shouldn't be much longer before I'm through "Peru - The Lost Valley", the third level.

Then I only have 11 more levels to clear, lol.


I almost missed it, too.

I had gone to bed a bit early (around 7:00 am) and she called around 8:00 am. I sorta, kinda woke up to the ringing but I wasn't up to answering the phone. But then a minute or two later the phone beeped to let me know that I had a voice message. So I checked to see who was calling me (and what time it was) AND IT WAS MY BABY!!! :D

So I quickly called her back and we had a nice conversation!

That pretty much made my week. :D

She's such a li'l hotty!!!


I still have the voice message she left, so I can listen to it whenever I want, hee-hee. :)

Okay, I should get back to work.

Hope you're having a FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!! (Only 26 hours until my weekend begins!)

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