Saturday, June 30, 2007

Joss In SPACE!!!

Remember how I was all crazy and obsessive about the space shuttle Atlantis getting to the International Space Station? And I was all disappointed when a hail storm delayed the launch in April, and was relieved when the Atlantis went up this month?

I kept going on about a public space station and all that.


Turns out there was EVEN MORE reason for me to be excited about mission STS-117 than I realized!!!


Right now, as you read this, the box set of FIREFLY and the movie SERENITY are aboard the ISS!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!

I can't articulate exactly why, but this makes me ridiculously giddy!!! I guess part of it is excitement for Joss Whedon and the power of what he creates! Specifically, FIREFLY gives me such joy, and it's so cool to learn that it gives friends I recommend it to joy as well. Then loyalty of the fan-base suggests strongly that many, many other people (people I have never met and probably will never meet) are all receiving this same joy from this group of stories that this cool guy created. So I guess it's partly that shared-experience thing.

But then there's also the work itself: The things that Joss and the other amazing writers, and the actors and the film crew, feel are important stories to tell, are important messages to share with others! I LOVE living in a universe where the crew of the space shuttle and the crews of the space station are addicted to those stories and those values!!! Thinks that important to me are also important to the men and women who are exploring space and furthering out understanding of the universe outside our world!!!

I'm tellin' ya... If one of the presidential candidates can quote Mal or Jane or Kalyee this coming election year, THAT will be our next president, lol! (Politicians tend to all sound more like the Operative or Jubal Early.)

But that's not even all of what excites me so much!

I don't know, maybe another part of it is being allowed to imagine these (quite literally) World Class Scientists -- people whose work IS CREATING OUR FUTURE HISTORY -- like me and my buddies, all going "Dude, you GOTTA check these dvds out!" Like one of them thinking "Okay, we're all gonna be quarantined for 5 hours, nobody's goin' anywhere... So I'll pop in some Firefly and they'll TOTALLY love me for it!" :D

I mean, how great is that?!! How cool is it to live in THAT universe?!! How groovy is it to know that your reality is one in which bad-ass real-life space people dig on watching bad-ass fictitious space-people?!! JOSS WHEDON'S bad-ass fictitious space-people, no less!!!

It gives me so much hope for the future!

And then another part of it has to be the sheer joy of instantly being sucked from a reality where the Atlantis crew has taken the next step to complete the ISS (which is cool enough in itself) and slapped into a reality wherein the crew is all hooked on one of the greatest TV shows ever!!! I mean, the perspective switch is so much fun! From one perspective they're like these demigods to me who are doing these amazingly important things that will cement them into the History Books, and from the other perspective they are still the demigods doing important stuff, but they're also Whedon-junkies like me and my friends!!!

Anyway, I hope this news gives you as much joy as it has given me. If you're into the notion, click around and read about how it all came into being.

That's where I'm ehaded right now!


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