Monday, June 25, 2007


It's one minute till 1:00 pm as I write this.

Last night I listened to the first 13 or 14 chapters of FOOL MOON, the second book in The Dresden Files series. I did a little construction in SecondLife (I'm working on a space station on a new patch of land I just bought, hehe) as I listened, but mostly I just listened.

And waited for my sweety.

Around 2:30 am my body was just ready to shut down, but I really wanted to be online in case my Gnomey Goddess logged in before work. So I laid down on the bed in here and rested my eyes as I continued listening to my new book.

I woke up a little after 5:30 am (11:30 am Gnomey Time) and turned off the iPod, left a message for my baby apologizing and telling her I couldn't stay awake any longer (I think the odds are pretty good, though, that she didn't have time to log in before work) and dragged my aching heiney to bed. (Or is it "heiney"? What is the entomology of that word? If it's Slaviv than the "e" would come before the "i". Spell Check doesn't recognize it. I doubt it's of Latin origin. Hmph. "Hiney"? Nope, Spell Check doesn't recognize that spelling, either.)

I don't remember when I woke up, but I've been listening to Dresden for a couple of hours now -- and done a considerable amount of work on my virtual space station, as well, so I', guessing it was maybe 9:30 am or 10:30 am.

I thought I might play some TOMB RAIDER ANIVERSARY for a few hours before I re-committed to Dresden. So I pulled my iPod out of the cradle, slipped it into it's protective rubber glove and plugged in the ear buds. I just wanted to find the last section I actually remember clearly, before the sound of James Marster's voice began blending with the sights and sounds of my subconscious.

After I found my place, I couldn't stop listening, lol. I fell right back into the book, and Jim Butcher's amazing storytelling.

Eventually, as I listened, I heard this deep, low rumble outside.

Rain? :)

I peaked out the blinds in the living room and YES!!! It was raining!!! YAY FOR RAY JAY!!!

I so love weather!

So I copped a squat on my balcony and listened to Dresden while I watched the beautiful rain moisten the small patch of the complex my corner apartment affords! (Which means that I was mostly watching the charcoal gray asphalt of the parking lot turn glistening black, and I got to watch the empty back yards of the row of houses just behind the complex. Still... PURDY!)

I felt the odd cool droplet pelt me as I watched, and that was nice too. But then the verticle downpour became a diagonal gale, so I was forced to move back inside after maybe 5 or 10 minutes.

But it was really groovy while it lasted! :D

In fact, it was such a pleasant and fun experience I had to come in here and share it with whomever wanted to read about it.

So here ya go. ;)

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