Saturday, November 05, 2005

A Hot And Fulfilling Day

Can you guess what I did today?

It involved some groaning...

And A LOT of sweating...

And it took ALL...



I helped my friend Tommy move.

Ew! No!

Brian and I helped him and his family move houses! (The beginning part was just a joke, a mislead.)

So I set my alarm for 8:00 am. Let me explain this so you can fully grasp my dedication to those I love: I wake up at 1:00 pm. And that's when I HAVE TO get up on-schedule.

And the previous night, I got off work at 2:00 am, did my grocery shopping until after 3:00 am, and crawled into bed just after 4:00 am.

So waking up -- well, to be more acurate "becoming conscious enough to dress and consume a venti Pumpkin Spice Latte" -- at 8a is a HUGE personal sacrifice.

HOWEVER... Doing this for Tommy THIS weekend helped ensure that he would be able to make the Creative Screenwriting Expo 4 in LA NEXT weekend!

So my motives are ultimately EXTREMELY selfish.


Brian and I rolled up around 10a -- Tommy always has to live on the very outskirts of civilization; no idea what that's about -- and worked until about 7p. And today WAS NOT a breezy, crips November day!

Although, to be honest, the majority of the boxes I carried JUST HAPPENED to be filled with pillows or summer clothing. But that was just CHANCE.

And is it my fault that my mom's vet called me with a pressing chihuahua emergency exactly 45 minutes into the move? And that my dentist had an emergency Saturday cleaning scheduled exactly 3 hours into the move? And that my car broke down on my way back from my dentist's office and it took me exactly 2 hours and 15 minutes to fix it?

I think not!

I mean, okay: So I took the $50 Tommy was very graciously giving each of us to help him move, even though I wasn't technically "working" the whole time. Does that REALLY make me an "Opportunistic, slacker, ass"?

I think not.

Seriously, though, all those feaher-light boxes I ended up carrying WAS just a coincidence.

I'm watching Disc 2 of Season 1 of VERONIC MARS right now, and I have to say that Kevin Smith and Joss Whedon ARE RIGHT!!! (Big surprise though, that those 2 guys are right about what a good TV show is...) If you get to Episode 5, "You Think You Know Somebody", you will fall in love with this show!!! It's so very engaging and genuinely charming, and SMART!!!

I'm watching episode 6 and something happens and I'm like "Don't try to tell me HE'S the victim here!" Then I think about it for half a second -- drawing upon a decent amount of study in human psychology as well as PLENTY of EXPERIENCE in human psychology, and I'm like "OF COURSE he's the victim here!"

That wasn't a spoiler. I don't think I gave away any plot points that anyone could tag me for unless you've SEEN the first season of the show.



And this is how I'm winding down from 11 hours -- with approximately an hour break for lunch -- of MOVING in what can only be described as AUSTIN HEAT!

And I was all sweaty!

And there were babes there!

And I wasn't dressed in a necessarily slimming manner, due to the nature fo the work to be done!

So just back off, and allow me my Veronica Mars time!

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