Sunday, September 23, 2007

ASTOUNDING Start To The Weekend :)

My baby is sleeping.

I know because she fell alseep with her webcam on, hehe.

I can't see her: She closed it because the screen was too bright. But the connection hasn't broken yet. (In the past, when I've read her to sleep, sometime after she fell asleep her computer would disconnect. But somehow, not this time.)

I woke up early enough to catch her online, and we chatted for a bit, then she invited me to a webcam conversation and I found myself with her and her brother and friends of her brother!

I got to party with her brother & friends!!! :D

Techonology rules!

I can actually say that I spent Sunday at a casual party with Gnomey!!! :D Because I did! I mean, I wasn't PHYSICALLY there, but I helped her in a game they were all playing, and I chatted with one of her brothers and his girlfriend and one of his friends!

I wasn't there, but that's how I spent my evening! With the Internet, this is the type of stuff William Gibson made a name for himself speculating about! (Well, the beginnings of it, anyway, hehe.)

And then after the party Gnomey and I went upstairs to her room, she got comfortable and I read her the first 9 chapters of THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, hehe. :)

About 4 chapters in Mom called to see how Brian and I were fairing, and Gnomey heard my end of the conversation. I know she wasn't alseep yet because she typed to me afterward. Then I resumed my reading until I was pretty certain she was asleep.

Now I'm just chillin' while my sweety catches some Zs, hehe. :D

It's been quite a while since we got to share this much time together, and we haven't before been able to do ALL THIS together!


This would be cool even if you weren't dating someone in another country: Imagine you're sick and can't go to a party; you could have someone video IM you and you could watch and listen to your friends having fun!

Well, okay, that's a silly example, lol.

I'm just very pleasantly surprised at the way this night has turned out! I've interracted with my Gnomey Goddess before, but this is the first time I've interracted with her family, lol! And for such a LONG period of time! Our connection crashed a few times throughout the evening, but not too much!

This has just been a REALLY NICE evning for me!!!

And just on the other side of that video screen, my angel is resting peacefully, hopefully dreaming of sweet, wonderful things! :D

And if she woke up right at this moment, she could see me writing this entry, and go "Wot u doin'?" and I could go "Bloggin'" and she could go "Come back to bed" and then I'd climb through the screen and...

No wait...

Just drifted off into Fantasy for a second...

Okay, I'm back.


Very cool night for Ray Jay! :D

Oh, some announcements...

We didn't win the Lottery last night. :( So it will be a bit longer before I can get my sweetness over here and buy us a house and propose to her and all that.

It sucks, but that's the way it is for now. ("For now" being the operative phrase: Everything changes, always.)

Also, Bloodshots sent out the list of finalists a few days ago, and we weren't on it.

So the chances of Robert Rodriguez seeing our short and calling Tommy and offering to produce our first feature are greatly descreased.

But once again, that's just for the time being.

The good news, however:

First, Tommy noticed that none of the finalists were burdened with our subgenre -- "Possessed Child. The reason I consider this a bit of good news is that it suggests that the other 3 applicants with this subgenre might not have been able to pull it off any better than we did. In other words, it might not have been that our filmmaking abilities are inferior, just that the subject matter was a tough challenge to pull off in less than 2 days.

Think of it this way: You can do a successful movie about the Holocaust, but how LIKELY is it? Spielberg pulled off SCHINDLER'S LIST, but if ANYONE ELSE had directed that movie, would people have gone to see it?

Maybe... it's based on a really good book! But if you just said "It's a movie about the Holocaust" would people have been as likely to see it as they were when -- just after JURASSIC PARK -- you said "It's Steven Spielberg's new movie"?

My point being that the subject matter of a flick can bias your chances of entertaining an audience with it. (or, you know... even getting the audience interested in watching it.)

And there's an inherent hokey-ness about a movie about a possessed child.

We may have made THE BEST of the Possessed Child movies, and STILL not made it to the finals.

So I take some degree of comfort from that.

Secondly, since we're out of the running we should be able to post the short soon!

Okay, you may be saying "If it didn't make it to the finals, why would I want to watch it?"

That's a good point.

But if you DID want to watch it, you should be able to do so soon, hehe. ;)

If for no other reason, you might watch it to see what we did in 48 hours. You've got to be wondering about that. (Most shorts take weeks or months to make, and they aren't restricted in their genre, subgenre, weapon that MUST appear in the film, prop that must appear in the film and line of dialogue that must appear in the film. So it might be interesting to see what we did in that timeframe with those creative restrictions!) (Maybe, hehe.)

If Bloodshots puts up an official page with the other entries on there, I'll be sure to draw your attention to it, as well. (I'm curious to see our competition. Just to judge for myself how well we did, comparitively.)


I think I'm out of stuff to gab about for now.





Well, that part sucks. BUT WE DID WAKE UP TOGETHER!!! :D

I read for a couple of hours after I blogged, and listened to some Alice Cooper. Then I got drowsy and decided to take a nap in here.

I woke up to some scratching noices on Gnomey's microphone... It was her waking up!

So I hopped out of bed and into the chair, and I got to see and talk to her FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!!!

Now, I know stand-up comedians (even female stand-up comedians) have been making jokes about how women look first thing in the morning since the early 80s, but let's be real: The woman you love is fuckin' GORGEOUS first thing in the monring!!!

I mean, I'm assuming this a natural phenomenon.

If it's not, if the woman you love isn't just eye-poppingly adorable when she first wakes up, then I TRULY AM -- hands down, bar none, without a doubt -- THE luckiest guy IN THE WORLD!!! :D

Because my Gnomey Goddess is every bit the goddess when she first wakes up!!!

She can (and probably will) deny it to her dying day, but I can now say, imperically, that she is GORGEOUS, even just after a night's sleep! :D

(I just hope I wasn't too much of a dog to look at, lol.)

So she wakes up and we resume our conversation on video, and then she talks about seeing if her computer can stay in SecondLife without crashing her out, and we end up spending all morning in Sl! Just like Old Times... only BETTER!!!

When we were first a couple, the new-ness was exciting and all. Everyone loves that nervous/elated feeling of a brand new relationship. But Gnomey and I have been together for over a year now! There's a degree of comfort there. A degree of security that you can't get at the start of a relationship!


She hasn't been able to go in-world for quite some time now! So there were all kinds of new things I could show her!

(I have to confess that when she and I are online together -- in SL or on IM -- for more than 5 minutes I get all giggly and quiet and... well... BORING, lol.

I can't think of stuff to do or say. I just sort of sit and bask, lol.

So it was nice to be able to run around and show her what Brian and I have been up to in-world in her absense.

And OMG is she a SWEETY!!! :D

It was really just a GREAT evening/morning for me!!!

I mean, I never FORGET why I love her, but after a while of absense I just sort of take for granted the fact that I love her. You know? So when I get to spend THIS MUCH time with her, I'm reminded all over again the reality, the details about just why I love her SO MUCH, and why I KNOW that she is THE woman for me!!! :D

Like, someone asks you what your favorite movie is, and you say "Raiders of the Lost Ark" because you just have, over the years, gotten used to the fact that that's your favorite movie. But then you watch it again, and you're cringing when Indy almost gets killed eight billion times, and you're laughing at the dry humor, and just loving the roller coaster ride of the movie, and then you remember "Oh yeah! THAT'S why this is my favorite movie!"

I'm doing a lot of analogies in this entry, aren't I?

It's kind of like when...

Just kidding. ;)

Hope your Monday is FANTASTICALABULOUS!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sweety!!!! I love u so so so much.

thank you for a great really cheered me up considering the weekend i had.

hope u are sleeping well and cant wait to see u when u wake up.

Love u so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much hehe (you get the idea)

well im off for din dins now as im starving...thats what happens when parents go away...u tend not to eat so much.

*update on neck lump* Got bigger now :( getting a docs appointment for tomorrow morning about 11:30 hopefully but will let u know when i know hehe. My right gland is very swollen too and my mum dont know what the other lump could be but i guess i will find out tomorrow.