Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I just chatted with her!!!


It turns out she got back yesterday and was online all day! She didn't have to work! :( This would have been a good thing, except that I was certain she said she would be gone until Tuesday, so I didn't even bother going online!

Somebody needs to invent, like, maybe a watch that you can wear that has a light that turns on when your baby is online, so where ever you are and whatever you're doing, you'll know that if you can get to a computer you can chat with them!

..well... except that most people tend to live in the same country as the person they love...

...so I would be the only person to buy such a device...

...and with a market of 1, the technology would undoubtedly be too expensive for me to afford...

That's it, isn't it? I simply can't afford my lifestyle. Or, you know, the lifestyle I want to have. It's been a year and I still haven't saved up enough to buy plane tickets for my Gnomey Goddess to come visit. Somehow, every month, the bills still keep coming, lol.

It seems logical (to me, anyway, in my twisted logic) that after 17 years of paying bills, all the bills would be paid off, forever! Right? Like a layaway plan for your life! You pay bills for, say, the first 10 years of your working life, then all your bills are paid! That's the way it SHOULD be. After your first 10 years in the work force, your bills are paid-off and you get to keep all the rest of your money from then on.

Maybe 15 years.

But then you get to spend the rest of your money the way you choose. You've already paid for all the food you're ever going to eat, so you can spend your paychecks on travel and movies and stuff. And MAKING movies, if that's what you're into!

Why is society not set up like THAT? That would be cool!

Or, you know, maybe if you could just pay ALL your bills with your first paycheck of the month, and then the second paycheck could be spent or saved any way you like. Even THAT would be better than living paycheck-to-paycheck.

But this nonsense of only making enough to cover that month's bills should be stopped.

I know, I know... You're saying "You just need to make more money." And I suppose that's how it actually DOES work, in theory. But I haven't figured out HOW, unless I gave up my writing time to take on another job.

But then, if I didn't have time to write, what would be the purpose of being alive? I wouldn't be a very fun person to be around -- I'd always be depressed and grumpy... and tired, lol.


Anyway, sorry to go off on that little tangent, lol. The point is...


And she said she had a good time, so YAY! :)

I suspect my sweety NEEDED a vacation! She works so hard!

Speaking of work, I need to get back to my next project. (I'm creating this cool horror universe, but I can't figure out the story that takes place WITHIN the universe I've created, lol. Bit of a dilemma.)


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