Saturday, September 29, 2007

New Family Member!!! :D

Tommy's 3-year-old daughter, Amber -- who starred in our 48-hour Bloodshots film festival entry -- has a baby sister as of 5:30 pm yesterday!!!

I couldn't be more happy for my friend and collaborator!!! :D

Tommy and his wife have already done such an AMAZING job with their first daughter!!! I can't wait to see how their second child turns out!

I'm sure this will fade a bit once I start hearing stories about midnight feedings, but it make me wish I were playing Daddy again! Children are AWESOME!!!

If you pay attention, each and every one of them comes with their own personality. Right out of the womb, they're PEOPLE! And you can make all the plans in the world about how they will behave and who they will become before they're born, but once they're out of the shoot (sorry for the unfortunate mental imagery there) they do things their way, lol!

(My poor mom... The son she wished she'd had... lol.)

It's so astounding to watch as that personality unfolds and develops right before your eyes!!! Twice I've gotten to re-experience things for the first time, through the eyes of a tiny human I was helping to raise!

You want to experience you favorite movie for the first time again? Watch it with someone 20 years or more younger than you! No 2 people see the same movie, but a tiny human DEFINITELY sees a different movie than you're seeing!

...I wonder if Tisha has seen RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK...

DUDE! When Gnomey and I hook up... We're gonna make some AMAZING tiny humans!!! I'm hoping they have my curiosity and her wicked sense of humor and accent! I'd also like them to have my sense of wonder about the spiritual, but her fearlessness. And definitely her creativity! I have skill at being creative, but Gnomey's creativity is much free-er and more boundless!

I miss Wendy. :( I haven't heard from her for a couple of days because she's ill and she's healing. I wish I were there to fetch things for her and coo at her and just generally be comforting and affectionate and stuff!

Okay, I'm gettin' girly now, so I'll stop.





There. That should butch me up a bit, hehe. ;P

I had a ridiculously positive day today!

It started when I woke up early to go to the bank and withdraw rent, and the guy who took care of me glanced over my account and found all sorts of way to make my finances easier on me! How often does THAT happen? (Usually, everyone who doesn't know me is trying to make my finances more difficult!)

Then work seemed to sort of do itself for me! the exhausting piles of paperwork (well, computer work, really) that accompany Friday nights for me just sort of breezed by, wrapping up an hour or 2 earlier than usual lately.

Then the tape work I do around 3:00 am on FriSats seemed to be completed not long after it was begun.

I even had time to watch the 1-hour Season Premieres of THE OFFICE and MY NAME IS EARL during my shift!

Ice that cake with the email announcing Tommy's daughte's birth, and you've got a pretty groovin' day for Ray Jay! :)

OH WAIT!!! lol Start that day with a call from Tisha!!! :D She called me from school! She was in Theatre class (cool enough all by itself, hehe) where she was surfin' old entries in my blog and spotted an error! I said that she was graduating half a year earlier, and she informed me it is a full year earlier. (If you go back and look for the misinformation, you won't find it because I revised the entry for her.)

So yeah, short of some Gnomage, this has just been a PERFECT day! :)

Oh, and I didn't write anything today. Gnomage and creative inspiration are the only 2 things keeping this day from being just mind-blowingly perfect.

Still, how often do we get PERFECT, right? I'm usually quite pleased with "not-sucky"! "Surprisingly good" is usually... well, surprisingly good.

So a day like today... You won't hear any complaints from me! Only gratitude!

And now it's time to bid this day "Thank you, and good-bye," and get some sleep. Can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me!!! :D

Hope your Saturday is AWESOME!!!


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