Friday, September 07, 2007


As of 6:00 am this morning I am on a 2-day vacation, which my boss graciously granted to me with only a week's notice!

The purpose of this vacation?


That's right, beginning 7:00 pm tonight, Brian, Tommy and I will begin a mad dash to create a 2-8 minute horror masterpiece within 48 hours!!! :D

As of 6:00 am this morning, I am no longer a master control operator, I'M A FILMMAKER!!!

Okay, I'm being a bit overly-dramatic...

I'm always a writer and a filmmaker and and actor and an editor and whatever and so on. I can't help it. It's just who I am. Like, I'm also ALWAYS a dad and always Gnomey's love-monskie, and always Brian's brother and always my mom and dad's son, et. al.

But I only REALLY FEEL like a filmmaker when I'm making movies, you know? I only really feel like a writer when I'm writing. (Why do you think I waste so much of your time with this blog, hehe.) ;)

I was thinking about the set-up earlier... Tommy is a day person, and I'm a night person. (And Brian is just plain flexible, lol. Some times he works days and sometimes his schedule lets him stay up with me. No consistency there for my poor li'l bro. :( ) So as a team, we're built perfectly for the task at hand!!!

Oh, and my baby says we're gonna win, too! :) And honestly, I don't see why we shouldn't be great these next 2 days! I mean, I've been studying writing for 15 years now, written TONS of bad things and a few good things. So why shouldn't I -- with theINVAULABLE help of My Guys -- be able to come up with a great short story on the fly?

Although, I have to note something for the record: Despite the fact he won't claim it, Tommy really IS a writer! Tuesday when we were toying around with the writing tool I developed to help us write on the fly, Tommy came up with a central conflict, and I went off and developed it into a short film... But then he said, "Actually, I was thinking of something more like..." and then took the story in a different (and in my opinion BETTER) direction! The jerk.

I think he just doesn't want to claim his Writer side because he's afraid he'll get stuck behind a typewriter all day every day.

For that matter, Brian's a writer, too. But Brian's thing is similar to my thing, I suspect: We don't feel "worthy" or something like that. You know? Like, we block ourselves. Brian (and I guess I do, too) comes up with these EXCELLENT ideas for stories, but it's unbidden. When he (or I) TRY to come up with a great idea, we draw a blank.


I'm kind of going on about the Writing thang.

Point is, we've been making shorts since we were teens. I can't imagine any logical reason why our work this weekend should be anything less than impressive!!!

As I write this, I'm fishing with Brian in SL, hehe. He found these AMAZING fishing poles, and he bought me one!

I caught a frog, hehe. He's hangin' out beside us as we fish, croaking and catching flies, lol.

SO cool!!! :D

I'm hoping fishing might soothe me to sleep, because from the moment I wake up I'll be on the go. (We were talking, Tuesday, about maybe being at the downtown Drafthouse an hour to an hour and a half before the contest begins.)

But, as you might imagine, I'm not feeling particularly sleepy, lol.

Anyway, blogging won't help me fall asleep, so wish us luck, and adieu for now.


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