Thursday, April 01, 2010


April 1st, the first day of Script Frenzy!!! :D

I'm stoked!

Brian & I have a loose schedule, and we're going to start in earnest tomorrow, Friday.

I've done a bit of work tonight (at work), and I hope to do a bit more before my shift is over. I want to bring some stuff to the table when Brian & I get started. (I know that he has been filling pages of one of his notebooks with notes about this.)

If all goes well, Saturday or Sunday we'll have what I call a Combat Outline with every scene in its place, and next weekend I'll write the first 40 pages.


It looks like TSPI may have a new case. So I may spend next Saturday investigating. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

But for the time being, I'll assume nothing and move forward with the Frenzy as planned.


Know how I spent the hours leading up to April 1st? Watching The Phantom of the Opera!!! My friend Nicole got us THE MOST AMAZING SEATS!!! We were SO CLOSED!!! It was AWESOME!!!

AND... It was the best production I have seen! I've seen the show at least 3 times now (I think I've seen it 4, but I can only definitively remember 3) and last night was clearly the best performance! VERY cool!!! :D

Oh... :(

Our Internet isn't working at home. :( For the foreseeable future (which, hopefully, will only be another week or two) I will only have Net access at work.

That may put a kink in our Script Frenzy experience... You update your progress by uploading the pages you've written to the Script Frenzy site. But if we can keep our schedule, we should be finished with the script on Sunday, April 25th. So I'll be able to upload the final pages from work on Monday, April 26th.

If, however, we fall behind with our pages, things could get complicated -- assuming we don't have Net access at home by the end of the month. The last day of the frenzy is Friday, April 30th. If I don't finish the pages until then, I'll need to find access to the Net before midnight.

Still... The schedule has what My Genius Friend Dave calls "slop time", meaning that I designed it with the assumption that some days I'll fall behind schedule and some days I'll get ahead. So, hopefully, we'll finish up days before the competition is over.

We'll see. :)

Okay, I should probably do some work, then see if maybe inspiration shows up allows me to get a bit more outlining done tonight.

Hope you have an EXCELLENT week!!! :D

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