Monday, April 26, 2010

The Edwards Boys Conquered the 2010 FRENZY!!!

Script Frenzy 2010

It was a bitch this year, but WE DID IT!!!

Valuable lessons were learned...

First off, I thought going in that the script we completed would represent a Rough Draft of a script we would later rewrite and sell.

That's not quite how it happened.

What this script -- the one with which we won the Frenzy -- represents is actually a road we don't want to go down with this concept.


Indeed, the reason Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio (of Pirate of the Caribbean fame) got out of the Writing-For-Animation game (they wrote Disney's Aladdin, The Road to El Dorado and, of course, Dreamworks' Shrek) is because of this sort of thing...

They reported that writing for an animated feature was about exploring every road possible before settling down on the road actually taken by the animators.

Apparently, live-action filmmakers aren't quite this comprehensive when they ask for rewrites on a script.

Stephen King, in On Writing talks about "writing in cold blood" and how hard it can be. (Ironically, he's talking about how he prefers to write without an outline, because he prefers to discover each scene as it unfolds in his imagination. I am talking about writing a story that I already know is uninteresting to read because I am, myself, bored to tears with it.) This was excruciating because halfway through it I knew that this version of the story wasn't the best one.

But that's not what this blog entry is about.


My li'l bro and I took a story from concept to (a sort of) completion in 30 days!!! :D

I had my Frenzy beard goin', too. I shaved it off an hour ago, without taking the Before & After pictures, but I figure you aren't really interested in seeing me all scraggly and then clean-shaven, lol. ;P I think I did the Frenzy-Beard-Progression blog a couple of years ago.

This happened late Saturday/early Sunday morning, but I'm only blogging about it now because right after I had our pages validated, I told Brian, then disappeared into the rest of Chuck: Season 2, then slipped right into Medium: Season 5. I let someone entertain me for the last 31 hours or so, lol.

I should be asleep -- so I can get to work on time tonight -- but I'm still sort of in Celebration mode, lol.

I look forward to a week with minimal obligations. I hope yours is SMOOTH and RELAXING, too!!!


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