Thursday, January 14, 2010

Livin' Like A Rock Star!

Today has been an AWESOME day for me!!!

Okay, so yesterday I got to talk to my Gnomey Goddess for and hour or something. It was a really long, wonderful conversation. And we set up a probably-date (just meaning that as long as nothing unexpected popped up to foil our plans, we would get together at such and such time) for 4:00pm-ish this afternoon -- which is 10:00pm-ish her time.

Before I went to sleep after work, I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls (I'm on Season 5 now), then fell asleep to a Zencast, and actually woke up and hour and a half before my alarm clock woke me!

OOH! And I woke up from a really groovy dream that gave me a cool character for some future story! Which I was able to remember in full (the character, not the dream) and jot down in detail! (That's significant for me because I don't always get to jot down very good notes after waking, because the more alert I become, the more the idea fades from memory.)

I pad into the kitchen to grab some water, and find that Brian has left some money for me (to pay back a loan), and so I can eat more or less whatever I want today!

Plus, it's my "Friday" AND we're back to our normal schedules at work, so I have someone working with me tonight, which means that my workload is embarrassingly light! I can write most of the night, if I wish! Or play Tomb Raider on my laptop! Or read!

So from the very get-go, I was looking forward to and awesome day, and now I've got even more awesome-ness in my day!

So I call up my baby, but she isn't online. And that's fine, because she isn't expecting me to even be conscious for another hour and a half.

Time enough to check my email and watch another episode of Gilmore Girls! :)

And I order some Domino's sandwiches! (Their Sliced Italian Sausage & Peppers sandwich is EXCELLENT if you cancel all the peppers and order extra Italian Sausage and Provolone!!!) SERIOUSLY good sandwiches!!!

I get a text from my baby saying that she will be online soon, a few minutes before I would have woken up. She's such a SWEETY, all considerate and stuff! If I hadn't beaten my alarm I would have woken up to this consiederate text! (have I mentioned that she is an AMAZING woman?! She SO IS!!!)

When she comes online we have this WONDERFUL conversation!!! She tells me what's going on in her world and I think I updated her on what I'm up to, and we do the lovey-dovey thing and all that. I think today's conversation must have gone on for a couple of hours! It was like a regular date, except for the parking and the spending money and the getting-dressed-up and all that! (It was actually quite romantic!)

But she eventually has to go to sleep. So we make plans for tomorrow and I still have an hour or so before I have to get ready for work!

I get to hear from a couple of my friends on IM, too! I'm never awake during the day, so it was quite a pleasant surprise to get to have conversations with 2 of my ghost-hunting buddies! John popped up to say "Hi" before Gnomey came on line, and then Mike and I had a great conversation after Gnomey went to bed!

There is, like, this WHOLE WORLD that's going on when I'm usually asleep! :) And today I got to be a part of it!

So then I hope in the shower and head off to work, listening to a new episode of Paranormal Podcast on the drive in.

It's all dark and foggy and rainy, too!!! :D It's like the set of a Sherlock Holmes movie, except with more neon and cars! The rain is light and warm-ish, too! Just my type of weather!

So then I get to work, and it's normal... BUT... The last couple of nights have been more stressful than normal. So "normal" tonight is actually kind of EASY! :D (God bless Relativity!) And I already told you about the overnight potion of my shift tonight: Teamwork equals LESS work!

Then my friend Traci calls out of the blue -- just after the bulk of the "hard" stuff of my shift is completed -- and I get to girl-chat with her. (She tells me about her boyfriend, I tell her about my conversation with Gnomey, then we braid each other's hair and have a pillow fight.)

And now I have just over 4 hours left in my shift and then MY WEEKEND!!! :D

I can listen to another podcast, or play Tomb Raider or do some reading, OR ALL OF THE ABOVE!


The chances are very good that I get to have another long conversation with my Gnomey Goddess when I wake up tomorrow!!! :D

I mean, I doubt tomorrow is likely to be as just straight-up groovy as today has been, but it doesn't matter! I have had today! if I pass out right now and wake up and I'm at home and it's already tomorrow, and I don't get anything else out of today, it was still an AWESOME day! And even if something happened and Gnomey couldn't talk with me tomorrow, we still had an amazing conversation for the last 2 days! (But today's conversation was PARTICULARLY nice!!!)

Like, I've had the type of day that makes me really, really thankful! And the day isn't even over yet! And if I get nothing else out of this day -- if I just finsih my shift, drive home and fall right to sleep -- I've still had an AWESOME day!!!

How often do we get that? How often do we find ourselves in a moment where we're MORE THAN happy with everything we've received, and we seriously could not ask for more? Like, you can eat a Chinese buffet, but you know you'll be hungry several hours down the road. But this day has been, for me, like eating a pizza buffet, and I know I won't be hungry for the rest of the day!

You know?

It's been an awesome day. :)

I hope you have an awesome day soon, too!

Maybe TODAY! :D

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