Saturday, December 13, 2008

OMG!!! I was introduced to the FUNNIEST web comic!!!

It's called Garfield Minus Garfield!!!

I aired Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (at work) tonight and my friend Dominic asked me if I had seen it, then he pulled it up for me. I laughed my ass off!!! Check it out!

Brian & I saw the first Garfield flick, but I have yet to watch the second one. I didn't watch it tonight because I was on the phone for a few hours.

I MEAN... :O


I was working diligently, doing my job with earnest enthusiasm.

So what have I been doing lately...


Rereading emails from Gnomey. :)

But I do that frequently. Umm...

OH! Dark Knight is out on DVD, finally, so Brian & I have been watching that.

I've been reading something, but I can't think just what at the moment...

I'd like to say I've been writing, and I have, but... not really as much as I'd like.

I hooked up with a ghost-hunting group here in Austin! This just happened tonight, so I haven't gone on an investigation yet. But I've already asked for the night off in January, so maybe, possibly, hopefully I'll have some interesting experiences that I can blog about next month!

I'll keep you posted.

This month, though, my focus is on getting a strong outline roughed out so I can get started on my novel. To that end, I re-watched Casino Royale this morning before bed and surprised myself by deconstructing the structure of it! If you've watched the movie, you know that it's an amazingly unpredictable movie that doesn't paint by numbers. But there IS a strong structure and strong theme in there, one that you sort of sense internally even though it's not beat-you-over-the-head overt!

So that was cool.

I've seen the flick many, many times and this was the first time I spotted it. It gave me a couple of tips that might help me with my story.


I've heard that Quantum of Solace is a good, solid Bond flick, but not quite as great as Casino Royale. But now that I've spotted the sort of thematic underpinnings of Casino I'm really curious to see how the writers progressed it in Quantum.

Then, also, watching any Bond film will be cool now because I can apply my theory of what makes the character fun, thematically speaking, and observe how it was handled in that particular flick. 'Cause, you know, there are great Bond flicks and just flat-out bad Bond flicks. So it will be neat to compare how each set of filmmakers handled the character, and see if -- perhaps -- the bad flicks are bad because they ignored Bond's eternal thematic conflicts.


Okay, so I'm back to work for now. Brian & I are temporarily without Net at home, so I'll try to blog again next week when I have Net access again.


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