Friday, November 14, 2008

OMFG!!! :D

I just finished Breaking Dawn and IT IS AMAZING!!! :D

As I've said before, I read the Twilight saga because my daughter said it was great and I wanted to have yet another level on which to relate to her, but I ended up ADORING this PERFECT series of novels!!!

Any astute writer could tell you that you have power when you tell a good story well, but only the serial stroyteller can relate HOW MUCH power you possess when you carry characters and situations beyond a single story into many. And Stephenie Meyer utilizes that power with ASTOUNDING SKILL! Each novel is excellent by itself, but when you sign on to the saga as a whole and go from start to finish, she rewards you with a Happily Ever After that you never dreamed possible!!! :D Stephenie Meyer REINVENTS the phrase "Happily Ever After"!!!

If you're into the supernatural -- namely, vampires and werewolves -- and into romance and the concept of family, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this series!!! These novels are SO worth your time and emotional investment!!! :D

Btw, if you -- like many fans of the Harry Potter screen series -- prefer simply to watch the movies (unconcerned with experiencing the depth and breadth of the series available through the novels) be sure to be in theaters BE SURE to see the flick in theaters on November 21st!!! A strong performance for the first flick will help ensure that you get to eventually watch the 4th (and 5th, as they're planning to break the last book into 2 movies) which will ROCK YOUR WORLD!!! :D

If you're not that patient (like me, hee-hee) then rush out and buy the novels and read them all immediately!

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