Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Blissmas!!! :D

Today feels like an actual holiday to me, so I'm giving it a name.

Brian & I drank and watched a marathon of House yesterday (disc 4 of Season 2) and then I crashed and woke up around 5:00 am, while it was still dark outside. Before I went to bed I talked him into sticking Peter Jackson's King Kong in the player, and when I woke up the movie was still playing. (Usually, Brian goes to sleep with a DVD playing, and when he wakes up in the middle of the night he'll press "Play" and roll over and go back to sleep. But sometimes before he goes to sleep he'll change the disc out with one of the Star Wars or Lord of the Rings movies, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that he hadn't switched the King Kong disc out.)

I don't know how or why, but it felt like waking up on Christmas morning. Brian & I are both off work for several days, so no responsibilities pressing down on us and our only obligation is to enjoy ourselves. When you hear or read the word "contentment" this is the feeling described by that word.

So I grabbed my comforter from my bed and hunkered down in the comfy chair and watched me some King Kong. :)

Then Brian woke up and we started chatting and enjoying the genius of Peter Jackson's film, and the holiday feeling just grew and grew!

So I decided that since we sort of create our reality, this actually is a holiday for me. So I decided it needs a name.

Hence, Blissmas.

The neat thing about Blissmas is that it doesn't have to happen on a certain day of the year, AND it can come more than once a year! So if you have a day without responsibility, and you have someone cool to share it with, and you get that groovy vibe like you got when you were a kid on Christmas morning or Halloween night, that is your Blissmas.

The only thing I wish is that my Gnomey-Goddess were here with us to share this with me. I can just imagine waking up before her, watching her sleep next to me for a couple of minutes before I wander into the living room and see that King Kong is still playing. Then, after I grab the comforter and hunker down to watch the flick, she wakes up and wanders into the living room and snuggles in next to me. I imagine she dozes for a bit, her head against my neck, and as I watch the film in near-silence, I can feel her breathing against my body. Then when she finally wakes up, and she and Brian & I are all watching the end of the movie, the day begins in earnest and the 3 of us laugh and joke and chat and enjoy this day of perfect leisure together.

Mmmm... :)

Okay, so I've got some PS2 King Kong to play, so I'll leave you to ponder your own Blissmas day.



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