Monday, August 18, 2008

Talkin' w/Tisha

Today has been a really cool Sunday for me!

I started it off listening to Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous, which is one of the best Expanded Universe novels I've read! I haven't read a lot of them, because even the ones that are nigh-cannon tend not to be as cool -- to me -- as watching the movies. But this one came out in 2004, just before Episode III and it focuses on Yoda and Count Duku, and the reviews on were really positive.

Plus, you know, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars is out in theaters, and I can't afford to see it yet, but I'm really excited about it. So I figured reading the book might help me cope mor patiently, lol.

And it did! Really great read!

Afterward I was sort of going on and on about it to Brian, so he popped in Return of the Jedi, so he could get his Star Wars fix, and around 1:44 am my phone rings.

At 1:00 in the morning, it can't be bill collectors... And 1:00 am my time is about 7:00 am my baby's time (she doesn't get up quite that early, usually)... So who could be calling me?

Turns out, it's my daughter! She's spent that last week down here in my neck of the woods, and the weekend was spent in San Antonio at Sea World or Fiesta Texas. (I want to say it's Sea World, but I don't exactly recall just at the moment.)

But when she calls, she's up around Abilene, on her way home.

Now, she's about to be 18, but in my mind she's still somewhere around 16, lol. So it's a bit of a shock to be talking to her on the phone as she drives around Texas at 1:40 am.

But it's also REALLY COOL! :)

It was a really nice conversation, too. Just chatting about nothing and everything (like Melanie, her GPS with, inexplicably, a British accent, and the Olympics). It was particularly fun to listen to her arguing with Melanie, lol. ("You telling me to go the wrong way!")

I wound down after work this morning by watching this week's Psych, and I finished out my shift at work by watching the recent remake of When A Stranger Calls on Hulu. So I would say that this weekend is starting off rather nicely. Really low-key. :)

I could stand to get some writing done, though.

The day is still young for me, yet. But I need to block out about 32 scenes, hopefully before Wednesday. (I'm kind of snail-ing along on my current project.) But, like I said, I've still got plenty of time.

I suppose this entry is just about me enjoying what a cool, relaxed-but-groovy day I'm having so far.

Hope your day is groovy, too! :)

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