Friday, March 02, 2007

Takin' A Quick Break...

Work is kinda hectic tonight -- it always is on ThurFri -- but I miss my baby so I wanna make sure my baby has something to read when she wakes up, hehe. ;)

I missed her tonight before I came to work but I had a lot of fun with her yesterday! We played Minesweepers for the first time in a while. She kicked my ass twice, but I was just about to kick her ass for the first time when her computer died. (She was faking, I know she was, haha.)

My sleep schedule's kinda wierd... I only got 4 or so hours last night. :( HOWEVER... When I woke up I had some ideas to get me started writing. In about 2 hours I got 6 pages written. So I'm kinda thinking that maybe there's some Cosmic Scheme going on at the moment, one I can't control or understand.

But then, at this very moment I'm fighting to not fall asleep. I have 3 hours left in my shift and PLENTY of work still to do, but all my body wants to do is get some friggin' SLEEP.

I know there's more interesting stuff to share, but I really can't think of it at the moment. (I really am quite punchy at the moment.)

Okay, if you're not Gnomey: PEACE, LOVE & HAPPINESS!!!

If you ARE Gnomey: I LOVE YOU BABY!!! I hope your sleep was deeply fulfiling!!! x o x o x o

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