Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Got Me A New Skill...

Virtual skill, that is... I can now make clothes in SecondLife!!!

I mean, I could before. That's one of the first things you learn when you become a Resident. But now I know how to make quite complex textures that take me from the arena of making "Newbie" type clothes to the arena of making enough L$ to translate into US$.

That's not necessarily my goal, though.

One of the reasons I'm excited about being able to make better clothes in-world is because I'd like to have more money in-world. But mostly I'm excited because it's another skill I've acquired!!! The avatars that I've made so far, I've had to have Brian's help making at least one part of the clothing (because he's always been just WAY ahead of me at creating in there, hehe). I'm pretty good at making the shape and face and stuff, but Brian knows clothing better than I do.

But now I can do it ALL myself! :D

Don't get me wrong, though... I still need practice. Here are the first 2 shirts I made:

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And the front's just boring.

I put the logo and the brand name on the back, thinking I was being clever. But once I saw it on myself I decided you need more going on in the front.

But that's how learning takes place, hehe.

And it's not that I didn't design a good logo. Here's what Brian did with the logo:

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Nice, isn't it?


No brand name, either. Which makes it feel more like it belongs to the wearer rather than the seller.

And this is his own design for Mangey RaidWear:

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Stunning, isn't it?!! So simple, yet so STRIKING!!! He described it as a sort of "tribal skeleton" thing. Why can't I come up with ideas like that, lol?!

Don't get me wrong, I like my logos. I'm quite proud of the little cartoon-y skull-and-crossbones guy. And there's another on I haven't thought of a shirt for, but he's pretty funny, I think.

I'm still learning design. I didn't do college, so the extent of my training in graphic design is my own personal tastes, what I've read off the Internet on the subject, and my high school Art classes, lol.

I mean, granted, all art tends to be largely instinctive for those who nurture their artist side (and I believe we ALL have as much of a creative side as an analytical side, just most of us choose one side and neglect the other). But I believe in many aspects, Brian's instincts are stronger than mine. At least in some areas.

I was about to say that his instincts are better when it comes to visual media, but that's not really accurate at all. Sometimes I'll actually suggest something be added or subtracted that improves something he's made or designed or drawn or animated or whatever. So it's just that we seem to balance each other's eye out.


OH! Brian finished the Classic TREK uniforms!!!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I made those pants!!! hee-hee That's an example of what I mean by "newbie" type clothing. It's just a single color, and all you're really doing is determining the length and cuff-flare and stuff, lol. But it just so happens to be perfect for the Classic TREK uniforms. (The boots were made by neither Brian or me; they're the boots that came with the movie-era TREK uniform I was wearing in pics in an earlier blog entry. NICE boots!)

And there's no particular reason I'm human in the Classic TREK uniform other than I can't make copies of the Neko gear (cat ears, tail, teeth, etc) and changing clothes is easier when you just drag-and-drop a folder onto your avatar, so it's simpler to use a body I can copy into the folder with the uniform.

Again... blah, lol.

Oh, I wish I could have saved and copied this morning's and this evening's Gnomey conversations to post here!!! She's SUCH AN ANGEL!!! OMG!!! We haven't gotten to spend all that much time with each other lately because Life seems to be keeping each of us pretty busy... But the time we HAVE spent together is just BEYOND BELIEF!!!

I kid you NOT.

I don't think I could describe it to you and do the feeling justice... If were a poet I would spend a lifetime trying to communicate accurately how Wendy feed my soul and envelops me in a sense of joy and well-being!

But here's an illustration:

(In prose; my primary medium, lol)

When I woke up this evening Brian wasn't feeling well, and he mentioned that he needed to run to the store to grab some food for himself. Since he's not feeling well, I volunteered to make the run for him after Gnomey went to sleep, if he could wait.

He said that would be groovy.

When I mentioned this to my Goddess Gnomey she told me to go ahead and go, she'd be online when I got back.

So I hop in the car and drive past the high school next door where kids are practicing sports (didn't pay attention to which one, lol). The sun is setting, painting the sky in brilliant colors. The breeze is light, refreshing. The 3- or 4-block trip to the grocery store reminded my just why I love living in residential-type areas so very much -- there were pockets of pleasant human activity everywhere, without feeling claustrophobic or cluttered. There's a fire station just across from the high school, and there were firemen out... doing something, lol. I didn't notice which.

But the whole scene was like Norman Rockwell 2007, lol. All this life, just families and community members going about their business, living out their own simple domestic stories around each other on a beautiful almost-Spring day!

And the reason I took in all these details is because I had spent half an hour chatting with Wendy (and at least half an hour before I woke up dreaming about holding hands with her and snuggling with her and stuff)!!!

If it weren't for her, I would not have noticed the quaint joy all around me. I would have driven to the store, annoyed by the traffic as maybe hundreds of people return home from work, completely unaware of the embarrassment of beauty around me! She put me in such a happy, joyful head-space that when I got in the car I was able to notice all the little treasures God hid in plain sight all around me!!! :D

And how does she do this?

THAT is the mystery, lol! She is HER, that's how. She just is how she is and it plays my sense like a fine-tuned musical instrument. The most beautiful music, too! She's supportive of my creative endeavors, but if I go to far she tells me honestly that she thinks maybe I need to focus on what's already on my plate. I tell her Brian's not feeling well and she tells me she won't mind if I need to let her go to cheer him up!!! I mean, she GENUINELY cares about what and who ("whom"?) I care about!

Argh, lol.

I'm getting that feeling I get when I talk AROUND something without effectively getting to the point I'm trying to make, lol. I just know that anyone in a great relationship reading this is going "Yeah, AND? That's what a soul mate does! Duh!"


I'm gonna enjoy me a nice cup of fake-uccino (powedered cappuccino just IS NOT real cappuccino, even when mixed with coffee rather than water, hehe) and relax and enjoy the last day of my weekend.

I hope that this week is treating you well and continues to do so!!! :D

And to my baby:




One more thought about relationships...

I heard a slightly older song on the radio (Audioslave, if I'm not mistaken) and the chorus was:

"I'm not your rolling wheels, I am the highway/I'm not your carpet ride, I am the sky"

I love that lyric!!!

We sometimes want a friend (and especially a girlfriend/boyfriend) to be our means of locomotion, but when we're willing to "drive" ourselves, they are actually and entire journey!!! And as such they can lead us through so many more destinations and experiences that we never would have gone to by ourselves, or even had the strength/tolerance/patience to experience. But with our soul mates our journey becomes much richer, much more rewarding.

Maybe THAT is what I was trying to decsribe above, lol.

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